Chapter 15 : The Cauldron Pt. 2

Start from the beginning

"He does," Wolverine replied. "We'll be taking this." He gestured toward a huge and shiny helicopter. After they all got in, he started the helicopter and said, "Welcome to the first test flight of the XM-Velocity." Wolverine blasted off into the sky to save their captured friends.


Meanwhile, on Asteroid M

We now get back to Asteroid M as Magneto shows Alex and Scott a machine.

"I built it right into the asteroid," Magneto said. "Behold, the next step in mutant evolution."

"What is it?" Scott asked.

"A genetic enhancer. Perhaps you've heard of the legendary gems of Cyttorak," Magneto said as he pulled a giant red stone from under his cape. "Well, they do exist. Once believed to possess mystical properties, these stones actually emit very distinctive radiation."

"Hey, wait a minute!" Alex yelled in surprise. "You mean you're going to nuke us?"

"I'm going to evolve you!" Magneto said. "To finish your growth. No more pain, Alex, and no more hiding behind that visor, Scott. Your powers will be fully realized, giving you complete control!"

"What about them?" Scot asked as he looked at the tubes. "I want 'em released."

"They will be," Magneto said. "But only after you've gone through the transformation. I want them to see what I'm offering. And it is an offer, Scott. I won't force you to go through it."

"We're supposed to just trust this thing works?" Scott asked skeptically. "You go through it then."

"I have," Magneto replied. "I'm fully advanced, but why don't I give you a real first-hand demonstration. Sabertooth?"

Sabertooth turned and stepped into the glowing red enhancer, and the transformation began as soon as the door closed.

"In a few moments, he'll emerge, reborn," Magneto said.


In the XM-Velocity

"Hmm, oh yeah!" Wolverine exclaimed. "This thing cooks!"

Toad whimpered and said, "Hear that metal straining? We're breaking up, I know it!"

Samantha rolled her eyes at Toad's behavior.

"Couldn't be," Wolverine said. "This crate's built without an ounce of metal."

"None!" Toad exclaimed. "That means we're flying in what cheap plastic? I need an airsick bag."

"Oh, relax. You act like a baby sometimes, " Samantha said, laughing.

"I've got something huge on scanners," Mystique said. "Asteroid M: 463 miles and closing."


Back on Asteroid M

Sabertooth stepped out of the enhancer bigger and furrier than before.

"Boys," Magneto said. "It's time to reach your full potential."

"What do you think, Scott?" Alex asked. "I want to, but not without you." Scott simply nodded before they walked toward the enhancer.

"Now, for an appreciative audience," Magneto said as he cleared the gas out of the tubes.

"Scott, no, don't!" Jean yelled as she watched Scott step into the enhancer.

(Scott, I know what Magneto is doing. This thing will alter your mind. Get out of there, please!) Professor X telepathically told him. Scott tried to run back out, but Magneto quickly closed the door.

Shifter: Book 1| An X-Men Evolution Fanfiction (Possibly A Rewrite Coming)Where stories live. Discover now