Chapter 2

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"Hurry up Lexi!" Mathilda whined. Lexi was my nickname.

I just rolled my eyes at her. She has always been impatient. And I think it gets worse with time. Just to irritate her, I walked slower. I just love being irritating.

"Alexis, if you don't hurry up, I'm gonna drag you around this mall."

"Mathilda, we've been here for 6 1/2 fucking hours! I'm tired, and if your plan is gonna hold, we need to be home in an hour. And it takes half an hour just to drive home! And I wanna have a little time before we go to that club."

She stomped her foot like a little child, mumbled a "fine", turned on her heel and speed walked back to the car. I just rolled my eyes at her and followed behind her.
When I got to the car, she sat in the car with her arms crossed, and just looking out of the window. Fine, let her be that way then, i thought. After putting all my bags in the car, and making sure I didn't break any of our things, I got into the car, started it and drove home.
When we got home Mathilda jumped out of the car and ran straight into the yelling
"I need to get ready!!"

I rolled my eyes. I know Mathilda can't stay mad at people for very long. While we were in the car, in silence, Mathilda just stopped being mad, and began to talk. And now, I had to take all of her things inside. And trust me, there was many bags. If you just saw all the bags, you would think we had brought the whole mall. She even forced me to buy things I didn't even knew existed! Like, bed socks. Apparently it's socks to your bed. You set them on the legs of your bed, so your bed doesn't freeze. I don't even know why people buy them.
I needed to make 6 trips. Just to get all the bags inside! And now the time is 6:15 p.m and I have 15 minutes to relax before Mathilda comes and drag me upstairs to get ready. Right now, I just wanna enjoy the peaceful silence.


I sighed. So much for silence. I got up from the couch and made my way up stairs. When I got up there, it looked like a bomb hit my room. There were clothes, shoes makeup covering my floor so you couldn't even see it. And I think I saw a curling iron somewhere.

"Mathilda!! What have you done to my room!?"

She looked at me with innocent eyes.

"I was just trying to find out what I was going to wear tonight. But then I couldn't find the dress so I looked in all my bags and in the end, I found it!"

She stood there, in a towel, holding up the dress like it was some prize. She looked really proud of that she found it. While she stood there smiling widely, I just face palmed.

"But why did you take all of my clothes out of my closet?"

Now she was smiling sheepishly.

"I may have forgot that I brought it today, so I decided to look in your closet to see if it was there. Hence, why all your clothes is on the floor."

"But why didn't you just call me? Like you actually did 5 minutes ago."

"Oh, that was because I thought I knew where it was. I was thinking of calling on you, but then I found it. And the reason I called on you 5 minutes ago, is because you have get ready!"

I just nodded and went into the bathroom. I turned on the shower, waited till it got the right temperature and got in.
After I had done everything I should in the shower, I turned of the water and got out. I took two towels. One to my hair, and one to my body. When I opened the door to my room, I wasn't surprised. Mathilda was never so good at cleaning, so, of course, my room still looked like a bomb hit it. I sighed, looks like I know what I'm gonna do the next couple of days.

Mathilda was sitting cross legged in front of my mirror, in shorts and a tank, doing her hair and makeup. While she sat there I quickly took undergarments on and some shorts and a tank. When I had gotten it on, I walked over to my mirror and stood behind Mathilda and did my makeup and hair.

For my makeup I just put on a little bit of silver glitter eyeshadow, eyeliner, mascara and blush. For my hair I just curled it into some loose curls and then just let it be.

Mathilda almost did the same makeup as me, but just with gold eyeshadow. She curled har long blonde hair and then put it into a loose ponytail.

For clothes I had a white and black dress. It was tight until it came down to my waist and then it flowed a little bit out, but not much. The top was a sweetheart neckline with some blonde lace over, over that it was see through. The sleeves was cut of right after my shoulder. My shoes were some black lace up stilettos.
For jewellery I had a silver infinity ring with matching necklace that Liam gave me on my 17th birthday. My earrings was silver hearts with a diamond ind the middle and a white pearl under. I just had some different bracelets on.

Mathilda had a dress where it 'split' on the middle. The lower half was floral, and the upper half was black, V neck and long sleeved. Her shoes were black pumps with a strap around her ankle.
For jewellery she had some small gold hearts that had a diamond in the corner, a love ring, and some gold bangles.

"You ready Lexi?"

I looked in the mirror one last time before answering.

"Yep. Let's go party!"

We both grabbed our clutches and headed out the front door.

Okay, so here's the link to their outfits on polyvore:

I hope you liked the chapter, don't forget to vote and comment.

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