Chapter 3 - Teenagers

Start from the beginning

I descend down the stairs to see my mom still on the sofa watching a crime show. I throw myself down next to her and lay my head in her lap. She smiles down at me and starts running her finger tips light over my forehead.

"How are you, Sweet pea? Good first day at school?" Mom asks, pausing the TV to talk to me.

"Although it's an arts school, it is just like any other high school, mom, the gossiping and rumours, it's insane." Mom chuckles at my answer, "Obviously I saw Jade, Cat was there too, I realised how much I missed her, though she seems to be playing dumber than she is at this school. I also had the privilege to meet their friends and also Jade's boyfriend." I unknowingly pulled a face when the word boyfriend came out of my mouth.

Mom smirked, "Well, I am sure Cat was scared when she first started Hollywood Arts and just didn't drop the act. Also a boyfriend, hey? Is he cute? Treat her right?"

I sigh, pulling myself upright and facing my mom, "You could be right with the Cat thing." She smiles, "And the boyfriend is cute and he does treat her right, even went out of his way to tell me to stay away and not to steal her away from him. He's protective, I'll give him that."

"Oh honey, I am sure it'll all work out, just go up to him tomorrow and start over, give him the benefit of the doubt, Jade must like him for some reason." She pulled me into a hug and kissed my forehead.

She got up from the sofa and walked towards the kitchen, grabbing the house phone, "I am thinking take out tonight, pizza or sushi."

I smile thinking back to Jade and what happened at lunch, "Pizza please, Mom."

"Alrighty then, oh and before I forget, this weekend I will be over Claire's, so you have a free house, you can have a party but remember I am only next door."

I smirk and clap my head excitedly out of her eye sight, "Okay, Mom, it won't be that many people anyway."

**Next Day - Thursday**

I wake up really late, forgetting to set my alarm. My mom only woke me up five minutes before first lesson, I was rushing around my room. My blonde hair re-done in a messy bun, glasses still on my face, no make up on at all. Black ripped skinny jeans hazardously put on (making the rips on my right leg close to the pockets bigger) and a "Satan is my Sugar Daddy" tank top on with a leather look waistcoat to top. I quickly put on my black chucks and jump in my car and peel out of the drive.

I find myself not caring about speed limits, as I was able to get into the schools car park within five minutes of leaving the house.

I run through the halls and once again burst through the door to acting class.

"I am sorry, is there anything I can do to help." The teacher asked.

I sigh, chucking myself into the nearest chair, which happened to be next to Cat and behind Tori, "I'm the new student that was here yesterday." I say, still trying to get my breath back.

I see him nod and lean over to Cat to place my head on her shoulder, she giggles and pets my cheek.

"Fantastic! He exclaimed, "You are in luck it is Alphabet Improv time."

I moan at the though of improv, but I hear a lot of people getting excited, I just roll my eyes and keep my head on the comfy shoulder.

"Right, Cat, come up here and pick four other people." The teacher said, I really need to learn his name, I think to myself.

Cat leaps up and skips to the stage, "I want Jade, Beck, Tori and." She pause and looks me dead in the eye, I shake my head, glaring at the red head. "Beth!" She exclaimed clapping her hands.

I groan loudly and make my way to the stage where everyone else is standing, I vaguely hear that the letter we are starting with is H.

"Hi, How is everyone today?" Cat starts smiling her bright smile.

"Insanely bored." I reply, crossing my arms under my chest, I happen to see Jade, Tori and surprisingly Beck all stare at my newly revealed cleavage.

Tori shakes her head and looks at me, "Just a second, how can you be bored already?"

"Kill me now. It's probably because of all your questions Vega." Jade responds.

"Let her talk, babe, maybe we all want answers." Beck said gesturing to take the floor.

"Maybe it's because I am really tired and just want to go to sleep? It's nothing super interesting." I say back, this time sitting on the floor.

"Hey, you are super interesting Beth." Cat says it's a little pout.

"Cat you're out." Teach says, Cat pouts and goes to sit down. "The letter is N, Jade go."

"Now, this will be interesting." Jade smirks looking at all of us.

"Oh god, Jade you can't be mean." Tori states, frowning.

"Please, I know you'll be asking as many questions as you can." Jade said exasperated.

"Questions? I don't know what you mean." The Latina said offended.

"Really. So you weren't going to ask what my deal was? Or why I am here? Or maybe how I know Cat and Jade so well?" I answer, jumping in when I could.

"Seriously girls, no need to air any laundry, clean or dirty in class." Beck said standing in between Jade and Tori.

I smile, "Thank you, Beck."

"Unusual you should stick up for her, Beck, when you cornered her after school yesterday." Jade said, I could see her anger flaring slightly.

"Is it that unusual?" I ask, then slap myself on the forehead

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"Is it that unusual?" I ask, then slap myself on the forehead. I lift a hand up to Teach, "I know, the letter is V. I'll sit down."

I go to my seat next to Cat, eager to see if I can get some more drama and answers.

"Vega, don't deny that you didn't look at her this morning," Jade starts again, looking at Tori then looking at Beck, "Hell I know you did as well, Beck."

"Why, I don't know what you mean!" Tori exclaims.

"X marks the spots you were both looking at!"  Jade shouts back, pointing at me and my 'XO' necklace that rest neatly on my cleavage. I look around the room and everything has their eyes on me, or more my boobs. I glare at Jade and she just impishly shrugs her shoulders.

"You were too!" Beck shouts back.

"Alright, that is it, we are done, the bells is going to ring in a minute." Teach said, finally putting an end to the embarrassment for me.

I turn to Cat who was trying not to laugh out loud. "Come on Cat, lets just get to our next class." I turn to the three on the stage still looking at me, "And you three, sort yourselves out. If you can't talk to me while I'm wearing a tank top then don't bother coming near me." I start to walk away, towards the door with Cat behind me. "Bloody horny teenagers."

For anyone who is reading this, please tell me if you want Cat to get with a girl or a guy?!
Also thank you for reading, let me know if there is anything you want to see in the stories.

Edge Of Seventeen (Jade West)Where stories live. Discover now