The UA traitor

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It had been three days since the USJ attack, Shigaraki and Kurogiri were meeting with some "master" and Dabi was out stalking his younger siblings. That left Himiko and Izuku to do whatever.

Himiko was still being oddly distant from Izuku, and it kind of hurt him. He knew why, he hasnt actually told her about his feelings yet,  ut he didnt know she was awake when he went into her room the other night. He didnt push her though, and stayed silent as well.

It was late at night, and Izuku was tired. He had nothing to do, so he walked into his room and fell asleep.

Later that night
He raced into the room, looking around for her. She was taken from him, by the heroes. He ran through white halls, running around the place, before he came across a dark brown door. He pushed open the door slowly, and walked in. Inside was a chair, with Himiko in it. She was crying, and lookes up at him with pleading eyes.

Suddenly the door slammed shut behind him, and a man started laughing. Three people walked out of the shadows, and one was holding a knife.

He watched as they carved into Himiko, and he screamed. He screamed and screamed until his throat went raw. He begged them to stop, he screamed her name, he cried. Nothing stopped them. The man closest to him was whispering things in his ear.

"This is your fault Izuku. You did this." He said.

He watched as Himikos eyes dulled, and then she moved, the corpse screamed.


Izuku jolted awake, covered in sweat and his throat was raw. His heart was pounding, and tears streamed down his face.

Suddenly arms wrapped around him, pulling him the rest of the way down to earth.

Himiko sat crying in the room beside him, she was terrified. She yanked him into a hug a pulled him towards her. He leaned forward in her arms, burying his head into her neck. They stayed that way for a while, both gradually calming down from the ordeal. Izuku sat back and looked at Himiko. He grabbed her face in his hands, and stayed there.

Her face was flushed and she had tear trails running down her face, her hair was loose and going to below her shoulders, and her golden eyes were glassy and still held saddness and fear in them.

He pulled her closer, and kissed her. Himiko gasped slightly, before kissing back. It was like electric, when a soul finally finds its missing peice. Like a soulmate. They both needed this, and when they pulled away, they were no longer scared.

Izuku knew she was here, he knew she was alive. His nightmare was horrible, but she was beautiful. His own beautiful nightmare. They both went to sleep happy that night.

The following morning was boring, nobody had anything to do. But they all noticed something, Izuku was always alot closer to Himiko. He wouldnt let her out of hist sight, she was mostly seated next to him, and when she wasnt, he was constantly keeping an eye on her. He wasnt possessive, she did what she wanted, he didnt really care for that. He was scared, despite them both going to sleep happy, the nightmare still effected him.

Then the door burst open, and a young girl walked in. She had brown hair that was in a bob, and big caramel brown eyes. She walked over to Shigaraki, on looked at him expectantly.

"Its in your bedroom kid." He said, waving his hands. The girl smiled happily, and skipped out of the room.

"Wasnt she a UA student?" Himiko asked.

"Yeah, dont worry about it. Shes our spy. Shes just bringing info in and getting her reward out of her room." Shigaraki said, shivering slightly when he mentiones her reward.

"What exactly is the reward?" Izuku asked. Shigaraki looked over at Kurogiri, and Kurogiri sighed and looked up.

"Wed rather not talk about it. Its bad enough that she comes over every few days to get stuff and give us info." He said, going back to cleaning the glass.

A few minutes later, the girl skipped happily back into the room, carrying containers filled with some kind of red liquid with stuff floating inside it. She placed a file on the bar, and laughed before skipping out of the place.

Shigaraki picked up the file and opened it slowly. His eyes widened with glee

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