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It had been a week since Izuku joined the league, and the place quickly got packed with minor league villians, ones that could quickly be disposed of.

"Glitch! Virus!" A strange voice yelled.

Villians shuffled around and looked startled at the mention of the names, this partner team has been known for killing over 20 villians and civilians and pro heroes even. For them to be in the middle of a bunch of minor league villians, it terrified some. Shigaraki looked up at the voice, curious as to who they were yelling to.

The strange voice belonged to a tall man, with dark grey hair and orange eyes. He had a scar running down his face, and one of his arms was prosthetic.

He ran up to Izuku and Himiko, smiling widely.

"Thank you so much for killing her, she kept escaping me." He said excitedly, bowing to the two.

Shigaraki stood up quickly, staring at them crazy-like. Other villians started whispering amongst each other and backing away from the two young villians.

"No problem Katashi. But please, refrain from calling too much attention to us next time." Izuku, 'Glitch', said. Himiko smiled widely, and jumped onto Izuku's back.

Shigaraki walked over slowly, and 'Katashi' walked away.

"Why didnt you tell me you were Glitch and Virus?" He asked. He was furious, and constently scratching his neck.

Izuku reached up, and grabbed his hands calmly. Shigaraki paused, and stared at him as if he were crazy.

"You didnt ask silly, and we dont go around telling everyone cause then everyone would know what we look like!" Himiko, 'Virus', said. Shigaraki pulled his wrists away from Izuku, and walked away angry.

Then Kurogiri straightened and put down the glass he was cleaning.

"Its time. Come on, lets go." He said, creating a huge portal on the biggest wall of the bar. The villians pushed and shoved, walking out excitedly. Dabi, Himiko, Izuku, Shigaraki, and Kurogiri waited until everyone went through, and then went through themselves. But when they came out the other side, a huge monster was with them, the one masterpeice of their master, the one thing that could kill All Might, a nomu.

The students were staring at the villians terrified, with a tall black haired man with tired dark eyes in the front, glaring at the mass of people.

Suddenly everything shifted to slowmotion for Izuku, Kurogiri slowly dissapeared, reappearing in a tornado of purple mist infront of the main entrance, blocking the kids inside of it.

Izuku slowly looked towards the class, and his eyes widened as he looked at who was in that class. He smiled, and everything went back to its normal pace. Izuku walked to Shigaraki, and tapped him on his shoulder.

"What Glitch?" Shigaraki said, turning around quickly.

"If your little villians dont get him, I want that spiky haired blond up there. Do not kill him, just get him to me." He said, smiling wickedly.

Shigaraki shrugged and looked back to the heroes.

"Weve come for All Might! I hear he was supposed to be here, where is he?" He asked.

The black haired man, Aizawa, if Izuku remembered correctly, which he knew he did, moved his scarf around him, and his eyes turned red.

"Hes not here right now, but Im plenty good enough to defeat you all!" Aizawa said, jumping into the mass of villians.

Kurogiri teleported the students and villians to various places around the USJ, and the main league stayed still, silently watching.

Himiko walked over to Izuku and hugged him tightly, looking up at him with big golden eyes.

Theyre so shiny, bright gold, with amber and yellow flakes... Its gorgeous. Izuku thought, before his eyes widened, and he shook his head, clearing it.

Aizawa had defeated most of the villians, and Shigaraki was scratching his neck furiously, annoyed.

"Want Virus and I to give it a try?" Izuku said, looking at Shigaraki. He paused, and lowered his hands thinking. He nodded, and walked back towards the nomu.

Himiko grinned sadistically, and raced ahead towards the man. Izuku soon following her, carrying a simple rope.

Himiko took her knives out of her sleeve, and jumped at Aizawa, stabbing him in the side of his arm while he was busy with another villian. He hissed, and swung around, kicking her backwards causing her to fly off him.

Izuku growled, his eyes glowing a toxic green, and time slowed around him. He threw himself at Aizawa, wrapping his small rope around his neck, pulling upwards. Aizawa screeched, a weird sound, and pulled as hard as he could on the rope. Izuku flew over his head, and landed hard onto his back. He spun around, and kicked Aizawa's legs from under him, using the momentum and throwing himself upwards into Aizawa's chest. Aizawa flew backwards with Izuku holding onto him, and both of them slammed into a wall, Izuku being able to jump away at the last second. The previous villian, and Himiko, stared at him in awe as he stood up and walked away calmly, time resuming its normal pace once again.

Suddenly loud explosions came from his left, and Himiko was pushed aside by a red-haired boy.

The blond slammed into him, and pushed Izuku into the ground, backing away and getting into a fighting stance. Suddenly he went rigid, his eye going wide and his hands falling to his side, staring at the young greenette in front of him.

"DEKU?!" He yelled. Izuku smiled, and stood up slowly, before opening his arms wide and taking a slow bow, like he was on a stage.

I hope you like it, and I definitely have alot more ideas for this story. Hope youball are doing well!

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