After that the entire campus was silent for a few seconds. Before everything went to chaos, as all at once everyone else inside the classrooms has rushed for the sliding doors and ran out in the hallway and ran for the stairs as screams fill the classroom building.

 Before everything went to chaos, as all at once everyone else inside the classrooms has rushed for the sliding doors and ran out in the hallway and ran for the stairs as screams fill the classroom building

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Many students were injured and others were trampled as everyone ran for their lives with their survival instincts in full gear

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Many students were injured and others were trampled as everyone ran for their lives with their survival instincts in full gear. Not even on the stairs did people slow down, as some students tripped and fell.

A male student was even punched in the face on one of the landings of the stairs, and near the top of the stairs some female students were pushed or kicked down the stairs, causing them to fall on their fellow schoolmates

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A male student was even punched in the face on one of the landings of the stairs, and near the top of the stairs some female students were pushed or kicked down the stairs, causing them to fall on their fellow schoolmates.

The hallways were packed shoulder to shoulder as all the students ran for their lives down the hallway without stopping, as they let out eat splitting screams of terror. Back with Takashi, Rei and Hisashi who were standing near classrooms 2-D and 2-E that were thankfully empty as the students had either gym class or another class in the management building during 5th period. So Takashi turns on his heel and calls out to them that they need to escape to meet the others in the observatory.

Teenagers Are DeliciousOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora