Chapter 8: Suspicions Raised

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I woke up the next morning sore beyond belief. My elbow was numb from the cold of the washcloth and I had to lie there for  a couple minutes trying to wake it up. While I waited, I thought. I am sure there were two feet and then I saw the note which apparently contained a spell liked the killing curse except it does worse. Then there was that meeting with Pansy and a guy. Then Draco tapped a rock, they ran away, Draco shot a spell, ended up in McGonagall's office.

My stomach dreaded the thought of patrolling with Draco again... Wait, Draco shot a spell and so did I... Draco was my happy memory! I rolled over and buried my head in my pillow. How could I miss that?! Why did that thought make my butterflies flutter? I groaned and closed my eyes. 

I can't believe Draco is my happy memory.

"You okay there Luna?" Cho made me jump. 

"Mmhmm." I mumbled into my pillow and sat up, rubbing my eyes.

"What time did you come up? You were gone for a while." Cho removed my blankets and I shivered from the cold.

"Something came up." I stretched and rubbed my arm, it finally was awake.

"Like what?" She asked crouching down beside me as ruffled through it. 

"Oh. She needed to meet with us after the patrol and the talk lasted a while." I half lied. Cho hummed.

"Well get dressed. I'll just be in the common room reading. Come down when you're done."

"Okay." I closed the bathroom door. I don't like lying to my friends. How am I supposed to do this?


"Ready to go?" I asked. She didn't respond, too absorbed in her book. I tapped her shoulder, making her jump.

"Ready to go?" I repeated.

"Yes, sorry. The Wizard was finally revealed and I was too absorbed. The Wizard turned out to be just a man who operated this machine that controlled things to make him seem like a Wizard. I couldn't imagine living without magic, how do muggles do it?" 

"No idea." My stomach gurgled. "You ready to head down?"

She laughed. "Sure, give me a moment." She placed the bookmark in the book and looped her arm through mine.

"Off we go." She pushed the door open and we crossed the threshold, stepping onto the moving stairs.

"I'm really craving some pancakes." I admitted.

"Same. And bacon and a yogurt." She said laughing.

"Orange juice." We said simultaneously, laughing after.

"French Toast." Ginny intervened, joining her arm with mine.

"Good morning Ginny." Cho greeted.

"Good morning." Ginny said back. Things have been a little tense since Ginny started dating Harry but Cho has a new boyfriend and they put their differences aside, so things are less tense.

"Good morning Ginny." I also greeted.

"How was patrol last night?" Ginny asked. I think she suspected something. 

"Good. Nothing much happened." My heart beat faster with the lie that slipped out so easily. 

"Beside the fact that she got to the room late." Cho supplied.

"Really? Why? Did Draco cause trouble?" Ginny panicked.

"McGonagall had to talk to us." I said cutting of any gossip they may spread.

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