Chapter 7~ Nightly Meetings

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We stood in front of McGonagall, shuffling out feet, out of breath, anxious with news. 

"What did you see exactly?" She asked, leaning back in her chair and rubbing her brows.

"A meeting. Between Pansy and someone." I said. 

"I got that part. Tell me step by step what happened." She leaned toward and placed her hands under her chin. 

"So it was dinner..."


*A couple hours prior*

"I'm glad the Hufflepuffs have watch tonight, I really need my sleep." Cho moaned beside me. 

"Oh that reminds me, I forgot to clean up my part of the room, I haven't had time yet." I said, scooping some potatoes onto my plate.

"That's fine, nothing we can't deal with. How was your day today?" She asked, taking a sip of water.

My mind circled with everything that had happened today. "Busy." I supplied.

"I know," she groaned, "it felt like each class took an eternity."

We continued to eat in comforting silence. The dining hall was bustling with activity, everyone wanting to talk about how today's classes were. I looked over at the Gryffindor table and chuckled. Harry was swamped with people of all grades asking for autographs. I wiped my mouth with a napkin, stood up, and walked over to their table. 

"Hello, how was your day?" I asked the gang, sitting down beside Ginny. 

"Exhausting." Harry said, signing the last card and shooing the kid away.

"Educational. Did you know that there's-." Hermione was interrupted.

"Too much homework." Ron groaned through a mouthful of potatoes. Hermione recoiled.

"Busy." Ginny said, giving me a side hug and laying on my shoulder.

"Fun." Neville said sitting down beside Ron.

"Was it fun because of a certain girl?" Ginny rose an eyebrow. Neville stuttered.

"What girl?" Harry asked, peeking around Ginny.

"Hannah Abbot." I stated. "They've been hanging out together the whole day." 

"Ooh." Harry mocked.

"Knock it off guys, good for you Neville. She's a really sweet girl." Hermione said. 

"Oh, I almost forgot. Ginny, the Hufflepuffs have patrol tonight." 

"Oh thank goodness." Ginny exaggerated. "First day of school is the easiest day to sleep and I don't want patrol to mess that up."

"You two...." Hermione exasperatedly said. Apparently Ron had said the same thing.

"See you guys later." I had noticed Dean all by himself and thought I'd go see who this mysterious Slytherin girl was.

"Hello Dean." I said plopping myself next to him.

"Hello Luna. How can I help you?" He put his spoon back in his bowl, he hadn't been eating anyway, too busy stirring his food around the bowl.

"Yes. I would like to know the mystery girl that you like." He smiled.

"Sure." He scanned the table, humming in thought. "Okay, do you see the blonde a couple to the right of Pansy? That's her. Daphne." 

She was beautiful. She had longer blonde hair, and chocolate eyes. She had the clearest complexion I'd ever seen. Daphne was talking to her younger sister, we watched as she threw her hair over her shoulder.

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