chapter 1

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Suna was walking down the street to volleyball practice like he always did. Suna was at the entrance waiting for the twins to arrive even though they would probably end up fighting. Suna was bored he wanted to draw but he would have to get out his sketch book out and he didnt want to do that. Truth be told Suna normally gets lazy so he always does something else to distract him. He pulled out his phone and started to scroll through instagram. He leaned back in the school entrances wall. Suna always scrolled through Osamus instagram; he had a crush on Osamu but looking at his recent post it seems he got a girlfriend. 'Oh... it looks like he got a girlfriend.. I knew it was hopeless to like him.' Suna thought to himself.

Suna hates to look vulnerable in front of everybody so he put a mask on. A mask that shows no emotion and pokes at people for fun. Though with this mask on, only a select few like him.

Osamu was walking with his new girlfriend. She was pretty, kind, and smart, not to mention she was on the popular side. Osamu looked away from her for a second and saw Suna. "Hey Suna!" He yelled getting Sunas attention.

"Who's this?" Suna questioned.

"This is-" Osamu was cut off.

"Im Mitsuki nice to meet you!" Mitsuki eagerly yelled.

"Likewise.." Suna stated looking away.

Suna hated loud people yet he ended up on a team with twins; one loud one quieter. He fell in love with Osamu yet he didnt know if he was straight or not. Osamu seemed straight since he had just recently gotten a girlfriend.

"Well Osamu we have to get to volleyball practice now. We'll see you around Mitsuki." Suna suggested and left.

"Oh yeah, wait for me Suna." Osamu added.

309 words~

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