Weird Body Components, and DNA

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Late in the evening, Ginny woke up, feeling battered and sore as if she took a 50 feet fall from her broom. She pushed herself to focus her blurry eyesight and manage to see the quiet Hospital Wing of Hogwarts. When she tried to move her limbs, it only moved a little.

"You shouldn't do that Ginny, let your body rest," Dumbledore's face came into view and he was leaning over at Ginny.

"Wh-Wha-" To Ginny's amazement she managed to talk but her voice sounded hoarse, she cleared her throat and tried again, "What-ha-happened?"

"You collapse after the challenge," Dumbledore replied, stroking Pigwideon, Ginny's blue phoenix who Ginny didn't notice that was there in the room. "It seems that you lost too much blood from your leg wound causing you to collapse after finishing the challenge."

"Wa-was I su-succes-cesful?"

"You were" Dumbledore confirmed

There was a moment of silence and Ginny was left to think of her incoming trip to Paris and Harry's sorting while Dumbledore continued to stroke Pigwideon absentmindedly.

"It always amazes me-" Dumbledore started and Ginny turned her line of vision to him, "how powerful naturally you are, I think even almost powerful as I and yet you heal slower than a turtle. If you were a normal witch, this would have been immediately patched up by Madam Pomfrey or even your phoenix could easily heal your cut but after a few powerful healing charms and your phoenix tears, we only managed to stop the bleeding and slightly sealed your cut, in which I know would easily reopened if you're not being careful."

Ginny didn't know what to reply, ever since she started training and injuring herself, they found out that she didn't heal normally. A single scratch could take a week to fully heal and damage from dark spells could almost take a month. Madam Pomfrey's magical abilities have a light effect on her, the only thing or person that have a promising effect on her healing is Dumbledore's magic or phoenix tears but even then the headmaster has to use a powerful healing charm to achieve 40% healing.

"Nevertheless, you need your rest for tomorrow. Madam Pomefrey said to help you drink this" Dumbledore showed Ginny a bottle of blueish liquid.

"Wh-what is it?"

"A sleeping and calming potion to relieve you of uncomfortable pain" Dumbledore replied, he took a teaspoon from Ginny's bedside table, pour a generous amount of liquid on it and supported Ginny's head with his left arm. Ginny felt the cold liquid entered her mouth and down her throat and not long after, she started to feel very light headed. Dumbledore lowered her head slowly, slowly tucking her in before kissing her forehead lightly.

"Goodnight Ginny"


A.N. What do you think of the new chapters? Please let me know, and I'll also be introducing a new character for the next chapter . Once again, thank you for reading :)

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