|19| one thousand is limited

296 19 9

Walking down the shore, plucking the petals of a rose as the sun drowns to the other side of the earth. "You seem more cheerful recently, (F/n)," Semi indicates, beckoning her to sit beside him on the sand, far from the sea.

"Tooru gives me happiness, and I'm really thankful for that,"

It's not like it's awkward for Semi, they actually managed to have fun without making him the third wheel most of the time.

"Speaking of, where is he right now? It can't be that long trying to find supermarket.."
(F/n) shrugs, sitting beside Eita. Unbeknownst to his gaze that becomes deeper to his best friend, his voice sounded sad, but she couldn't notice the tiny hint of worry in Semi's tone.

It feels refreshing, to live a life without having such obscure and abysmal thoughts that escorts you every time you breathe. Happiness can be find anywhere, it just depends on how you look at it, and (F/n) truly believes that her happiness is found by the warming hands of Oikawa Tooru. To know that someone could love her as much as she does towards them is astonishing.

Semi finally drops his gaze down to the sand he's sitting on, uttering such incoherent words that are vague enough for her to being unable to process it. "What are you saying, Eita?"

"It's soothing to see you happy with him, and it's odd at the same time because I'm not used to it yet," he shifts to her figure again, vibrant and untroubled. She puts aside the rose that's barely attached to the stem on the sand, a flicker of gratitude flushed through her facial features whilst clutching the hem of her jeans slightly.

Undoubtedly, his worries of having Tooru either clashing into their friendship or breaking (F/n) were forthwith due to today's hangout with the three of them. Tooru ushers her to an unlimited locus full of happiness, his wondrous way of functioning in their relationship is almost making (F/n) out of breath, but it's precisely enjoyable if she's with him.

"Sorry for taking a lot of time! Huh? You two are getting really chummy here, what's going on?"

Semi takes it back, he's in fact, clashing in quite a bit.
"You told her to say 'I love you' a thousand times, that's really cheesy!" Shiratorizawa's pinch server snickers, tilting his head to look at Tooru whose hands are full of... ice cream.

Tooru could only laugh to Semi's statement, handing his girlfriend and his so-called frenemy an ice cream each. "I mean it though," he says, sitting beside his lovely girlfriend while lightly leaning to her shoulder, evidently finding warmth by her touch.

"Tell me that you love me a thousand times," Tooru says again.

"Why?" (F/n) smirks a little, Semi could only let muster up a soft laughter to Tooru's cheesy self yet again.

"Who knows, maybe tomorrow neither of us can say that to each other again,"

"I love you,"
If only he could hear those few words from the corner of her lips. But he couldn't.

He couldn't say anything as words were piled up and stuck in his throat the very moment her body is in a pool of crimson and warm blood, but it contradicts her cold and frail body that's collapsed on the ground.

He's already an adult, yet the world seems so cruel as every colors that he learned to love were washed away the moment the only person he'd ever clung himself into was lifeless, dull, it's ironic.

He thought it was just a mere school crush that he'll eventually move on with, but in the end by every step he takes there'll always be a glimpse of his past haunting him to the very end. He didn't feel anything to anyone else, he didn't want to create a family with anyone else except for her.

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