|7| iwaizumi and murder

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Would you kill your best friend?

Well, scratch that one. That question is indeed too dramatic for the topic involved. To sum it up, Iwaizumi Hajime would love to know how to murder his own friend, due to his ceaseless rambling about the author of a fairly unknown book. Sure, he's now in a better mood compared to the past few days where his facade gets thicker and thicker by the second, but the range of excitement talking about this author named (F/n) (L/n) who's actually someone he knows for a short time annoys him.

"Iwa-chan, should I ask her out tomorrow?"

Iwaizumi used to be in the same class with her during his second year. She wasn't the smartest person, her grades were barely in the standards of what people call 'average'. (F/n)'s stoic expression never fails to intimidate people who tries talking to her, but some who succeeds to talk to her would receive the most light and sweet smile to exist.

If it wasn't for her quiet personality, she would've been a fairly popular person, although not as much as a certain brunette. Her looks were above average if he has to be honest, but her achievements were truly something else. To publish a book in such a young age is something someone would be proud of, but she never spoke a word about it until Oikawa fell in love, literally, with her works. Or perhaps how highly the art club president spoke of her when he overheard the club's conversation while bringing some documents the teacher told him to obtain from that place.

Sure, Iwaizumi is very fond of her modesty and achievements, but he would've never guessed that out of all people, his best friend had to start becoming noisy about his adoration for the girl.

Sometimes, he considers trying to learn how to do literature in order to make a novel of his wonders to kill his own best friend. Writing was never his forte, so he crossed that idea off his list immediately. If death wasn't permanent, he would've killed Oikawa multiple times by now. Or perhaps if he lived his life taking a hobby in writing, he would've created a book with fifty scenarios of him murdering his captain.

He would've been alright if Oikawa decides to be noisy during practice. I mean, he's always noisy for the team to begin with, but it's definitely new for him to swoon all over his idol for the whole day, yet alone for it being a girl in Aoba Johsai. But the tremendous amount of anger he's trying to keep inside is truly immense, and this of course, is caused by his captain, Oikawa Tooru.

I mean come on, which person in the right mind would call his friend at three in the morning, only to ask if he should ask a girl on a 'date' tomorrow?

Oikawa, of course.

"Ask her out, get rejected, and get some fucking sleep. Call me again, and I will  block you," Iwaizumi groans a response. He presses the 'end call' button violently, then throwing his phone on the other side of the bed instantly as he drowns his face against the pillow, drifting back to sleep.

Anyways, he wasn't very serious about the murder subject. Although, he truly wanted to spike a ball to his head the moment he receives a call from Oikawa when he's asleep, but that's not really something he can hold a grudge on until the end of his life, maybe.

Ever since Oikawa met (F/n), he can never shut up about her.

Oikawa started to talk to his fans less, just to fantasize and have such an enthusiastic one-sided conversation with the team about this girl. Surely, he could've brought up something more important, volleyball for an instance, but he didn't. If it wasn't for the sincerity of his emotions the girl had caused on the setter, the ace of Aoba Johsai would've taken serious matters for this problem of hand.

How annoying. 

So it's now eight in the morning.
The brunette is worried, in fact, he's very frantic thinking about how she ought to think about him. Without his knowledge that the girl is quite fond of him, he stays flurried without creating any noise the slightest, attentively listening to his heartbeat.

It was unidentified if it was his unwavering urge to hear her soothing voice again through the phone, or if he's deliberately letting the rush of emotions controlling the tip of his fingers, his heart pumps faster as he throws his body to his alien-patterned bed.

What sound inhabited behind these walls in the room of the third-year setter from Aoba Johsai, is no longer his heartbeat that rings in his ear, it was the sound of his ringtone the moment his nephew decides to call (F/n).

"What the━?!"

"You kept looking at your screen, so I pressed it for you," his nephew━Oikawa Takeru chimes in. The brunette was too fixated on his screen until he didn't realize Takeru's presence inside his room who'd been watching him getting all flustered like an idiot.

That matter aside, Oikawa looks back to his phone, and she haven't picked it up yet.

"Please pick it up.." he chants, uttering unclear prayers to himself whilst placing the phone closer to his ear. Oikawa, for once, anticipates a breathtaking voice from a girl. Not even his past lovers even had this substantial amount of triumph to him.


A monumental sensation of rhapsody stung his chest. "Hey, it's me, Oikawa," he speaks smoothly, managing those words with his usual eerie yet laid-back voice deeply surprises himself.

Truthfully, (F/n) was pacing back and forth in anxiety, sorting out her bravery to pick up his call. It was something new, having someone whom she met under interesting circumstances to call her, yet alone to take an interest upon her. It doesn't take a genius to tell Oikawa's regards concerning the fascinating writer and artist who breathes the same air as him.

So now here they are. Oikawa with the dumbest smile plastered on his face, clutching the fabric he's wearing, specifically on the chest area to feel his heart pumping in excitement, still laying on his bed while looking up to his ceiling. On the other hand, (F/n) established a faint smile as she sat on a stool in her room, her right hand is letting the pencil brush against the canvas, her left hand holds the phone apprehensively.

She hums through the call, expecting him to say something.

"... Are you an alien?"
Oikawa would kill to take back his words, he was struggling in between the choice of doing a cheesy pickup line or asking her about aliens, but to have those words coming out in such a serious voice embarrassed the living hell out of him.

"I'm unsure how I should even take it,"  she giggles.

"It's a compliment, believe me!"

"I believe you. So, why did you call me?"

'I want to hear your voice, I can't wait longer than this,'
That's what Oikawa planned on saying, but his words left stuck on his lips bitterly. It would be unsettling if he said it out of the blue to this.. beautiful acquaintance of his. "Maybe I did," Oikawa replies, loosening the grip on his chest. Then, he continues, "... I just wanted to know if you're free today? Maybe we can hang out in a cafe together and talk━ you know what I mean,"

(F/n) stayed quiet, feeling quite hesitant to answer his question as she mentally recalls her schedule for today. Leaving Oikawa nervously waiting for her response.

She has a habit of scheduling everything inside her head whenever she wakes up. This has been some sort of normal thing for her because she doesn't really have anyone to barge into her days, except for her parents, and it's something she has to get used to now with Oikawa in her life.

"Sure thing, I think I can manage that,"

Her voice sounded so genuine, so fragile that if Oikawa's the one to hold her words in a form of an object, he would fear that it will break in his palms with such ease. It wasn't wrapped with a mere facade of lies, he couldn't find a single hint of melancholy enclosed by her alluring voice. The sincerity of one's words had never affected him this much, not even once in his entire life.

"Send me your address, I'll pick you up soon,"

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