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Hünkar: *laughs* ''Should I hide...?''
Ali Rahmet: ''Saçmalama, everyone is welcome here, especially you.''

[Ali Rahmet opens the door as he sees Behice]

Behice: ''Hello Ali Rahmet bey, i just came here for-''

[Her eyes catch Hunkar in the back]

Behice: ''Oh did i interrupt-''
Ali Rahmet: ''A.. No we just came.''
Behice: ''Geçmiş olsun Hünkar hanim.''
Hunkar: ''Thanks..."
Behice: ''Anyways i came to thank you for welcoming me into your home.''
Ali Rahmet: ''Anytime. I was here to help.''
Behice: '' You probably thinking I'm finally leaving.''
Ali Rahmet: ''I wish you a safe trip.''
Behice: ''Yes...Thank you. Goodbye.''
Ali Rahmet: ''Goodbye.''

[Ali Rahmet closes the door after her]

Hünkar: ''It is a good bye yes... Anytime??''
Ali Rahmet: ''What?''
Hünkar: ''You said you would welcome her anytime? I'm not trying to brag but this will also be my house when we get married.''
Ali Rahmet: ''And your konak becomes mine.''
Hünkar: ''Yeah we'll see about that.''
Ali Rahmet: ''Wha-''
Hünkar: ''The only problem is Demir. If you convince Demir... Okay then.''
Ali Rahmet: ''Ok first you need to eat. Which soup you want?''
Hünkar: ''Which ones does your kitchen have?''
Ali Rahmet: ''Okay that would be a yogurt one.''
Hünkar: ''Oh god... Okay kolay gelsin.''
Ali Rahmet: ''Everything for you Hünkar Sultan.''

[Ali Rahmet heads into the kitchen while Hünkar sits down on the sofa next to the fireplace]

[Demir is in the living room with the rest of the family. The dead silence is cut by a scream]

Demir: "Aa what happend"
Zuleyha: "Go check it out"

[Demir heads out of the konak, Saniye runs to him]

Saniye: "Beyim, Haminne doesn't feel good again, she is vomiting"
Demir: "Really? This is not good. Raci ! Saniye, please go to hospital with her, i'm coming behind, i have to tell anne."
Saniye: "Tamam beyim."

[Demir hurries inside]
Zuleyha: "Demir ? What happend?"
Demir: "Haminne doesn't fell good again, she is pale and vomiting again."
Zuleyha: "Really ? I'm coming with you"
Demir: "No you take care of the children"
Zuleyha: "But- It's Haminne."
Demir: "Stay here with Gulten and others"
Zuleyha: "Okay okay."

[He picks the telephone and starts dialing the number]

[Hünkar and Ali Rahmet are having a nice meal and conversation and it's cut yet again by a telephone ring]

Ali Rahmet: "These just don't stop do they."
Hünkar: *laughs* "Not really. I think I should pick every up, we don't know if it's Demir or not."
Ali Rahmet: "Yeah, you're right."

[Hünkar stands up from the chair and walks up to the telephone. She picks it up]

Hünkar: "Hello?"
Demir: "Anne ? Anne please come back."
Hünkar: "Oh my god what happend Demir, hadi talk what happend."
Demir: "Haminne is driven to the hospital."
Hünkar: "What ? What ? Ne oldu ? "
Demir: "She is vomiting."
Hünkar: "Again ? Don't worry, I'm coming."

[She hangs up]

Ali Rahmet: "What happend and where are you going?"
Hünkar: "My mom is in hospital, vomitting again."
Ali Rahmet: "Come, let's go."
Hünkar: "Are you joking me, they can't see me with you."
Ali Rahmet: "Boş ver canım"
Hünkar: "I can't Ali Rahmet !"
Ali Rahmet: "You don't have anyone else right now. Come, let's go."

[They both get ready to leave]

[Hünkar and Ali Rahmet arrive at the hall Demir and Saniye are waiting]

Hünkar: "Demir?"
Demir: "Anne."

[Demir's eyes are caught on Fekeli that he came behind]

Demir: "What are you doing here lan!"

- Thank you for reading, next part in the work -

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