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When Fred and George walk back to downstairs, they look into Harry and Ron's room to see Hermione calling them over.
"He fell asleep" she says quiet when they kneel down beside them.
"We'll carry him to our room-" Fred says
"He can sleep in my bed, I'll sleep in this room." George adds. They carry Harry up the stairs to their room. Hermione takes his glasses of and lays them and his wand on the bedside table.
"Goodnight Harry" she whispers. Hermione, Fred and George go downstairs to the dining room where everyone is sitting.

"Where's Harry? What happened?" Sirius asks immediately when they walk trough the door.
"I heard him shout to himself and smash the wall, then he began crying hard and I comforted him" Hermione begins.
"Then we came in after about half an hour and carried him to George's bed-" Fred adds.
"Because he had fallen asleep. I'll sleep in Harry's bed in Ron's room" George finishes.
"Good" Sirius says.
That's nice of you two. But Fred, you have to know that Harry has nightmares" Remus says.
"I'll take care of him" Fred answers.

"Dinner is ready!" Molly says while coming into the dining room whit plates of food. "there's a bowl of soup for Harry in the kitchen in case he wakes up this evening and is hungry." Fred and Sirius nod. After dinner they all go to sleep.

Around 11:30pm Fred wakes up from a person screaming. "Harry" he thinks immediately. He get out of bed and walks over to the other bed in the room. "HARRY! HARRY, WAKE UP!" he shouts. Harry wakes up screaming and in much sweat, "sorry" he says. "hey, it's okay" Fred says while taking him into a hug. After a minute they go back to sleep.

They wake up again around 8 am from Molly shouting: "breakfast is ready!!". They put on their clothes and go to the dining room. "Morning" they say when they sit down at the table.
"here's your soup from yesterday evening" Molly says friendly while setting a bowl of soup in front of Harry. "Thanks" Harry says.
"Did you sleep well?" Hermione asks.
"Yeah, better then the nights before" Harry answers.
"Any nightmares?" Remus asks rising an eyebrow.
"Yeah one, but Fred woke me up" Harry says with a weak smile.
"Good" Sirius says while looking proud at Fred.

After breakfast everyone goes minding their own business. Harry is looking in the picture book he got from Hagrid at the end of his first year.

Tears begin to stream down his cheeks while looking at the pictures of his parents

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Tears begin to stream down his cheeks while looking at the pictures of his parents. At that moment Sirius comes in and comes to sit next to him. He side hugs him while telling stories about the pictures. Harry's happy he does this.

After a while he says: "thank you" and then they go downstairs for lunch. When they come into the dining room there where they see a scarlet hanging over the heavily laden table, which read: 'Congratulations Ron and Hermione new prefects'. First Harry felt some jealousy, but then he thought: "Ron wanted this so much and he and Hermione will be perfect prefects." He goes to his two best friends, first he gives Hermione a hug and says: "Congratulations, I'm so happy for you". "Thank you Harry" Hermione says happy while hugging him back. Then he goes to Ron and tries to give him a hug while saying: "Congratulations mate" But Ron pushes him of. "okay then" Harry thought and he goes sit down between Sirius and Remus. He begins eating carefully to make sure he doesn't throw up again. While Harry begins eating, Remus and Molly give Ron an angry look which Ron just ignores.

After dinner Ron signs to Harry he wants to talk to him. They go upstairs to their room and sit in silence for a minute.
"Why are you doing so weird?" Harry asks.
"I don't know, it's just I always have stood in the shadow of my brothers. And after I met you it got even worse, I'm just Harry Potter's best friend, nothing more. I just want something that you don't have, and now I finally have something." He says with a very little bit guilt in his voice.
"Well I'm happy for you, that you're a prefect. But I don't quiet understand why you want to be in the spotlight. It isn't as much fun as you think it is." Harry says calm.
"What do you mean?" Ron asks shocked.
"What I mean? What I mean is that it isn't fun to be the chosen one. It isn't nice to try and let people believe that Voldemort's back, all they do is write bloody lies about me and Dumbledore." He shouts.
"why don't you like all the attention?" Ron asks even more shocked.
"Would you like to be famous 'cause your parents were killed? Would you like to have the darkest wizard of all time after you, trying to kill you? Would you like it? I don't think so." He shouts. "All I want are my parents" he says quiet so Ron doesn't hear it. Ron couldn't say anything, he knows he has hurt his best friend. He goes to the door when Harry speaks again.
"Oh and there's much you have that I don't." he says calm.
"What do I have that you don't Harry?" he shouts angry.
"You've got parents, you've got a whole family that loves you" Harry says while a tear falls down his cheek. "Do you think I wanted this life? Do you really think I wanted to have Voldemort after me and life with muggles who hated my parents 'cause they are wizards?" Ron didn't know what to say so he just walks away to the living room. But when he opens the door he sees Sirius, Remus, Hermione, Fred, George and his mum.
"Do you mean this Ron?" Remus asks.
"I expected better from you as his best Friend" Sirius says.
"I need to talk to you young man" his mother says angry. Then they suddenly heard a loud bang, and another, and another. Molly and Ron go downstairs while Hermione runs into the room to see Harry sitting on the ground with a bleeding hand. "oh Harry" Hermione says while taking him into a tight hug.
"I can't do this anymore" Harry says.
"It's going to be okay, Ron will see he's wrong and will make it up with you." She says to calm him down.

Nothing important happens for the rest of the day. They eat dinner and Ron apologized against his will to Harry and Harry and Ron sleep in the same room again.

Wow, ten chapters already!

I hope you liked this new chapter and hope to see you in the next one :)

See u

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