'Cause this Hennessy so strong right now

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G: "I love you"
K: "god I love you too"

I smile out.

He looks at his watch

G: "shit"
K: "what's wrong?"
G: "my flight leaves in two hours..I want to stay with you. I finally have you in my hands and no one else"
K: "I'll be fine. Just don't hurt me or cheat on me ok..or I'll beat your ass"
G: "I know"

He gets in his car and rolls down his window

G: "I love you"
K: "I love you too"

I give him one last kiss. I see him drive off again just like the last time he left for college. I get the same feeling.

K: "I love you too"

I say under my breath.

I see his car get smaller and smaller. I look around and go back to my dorm.

B: "what the fuck was that?"
K: "what?"

I say pretending to be confused.

B: "I seen you finally got your perfect manz now"

I roll my eyes as I smile

K: "I don't know about perfect. We hurt each other a lot like I told you about high school"
B: "well that's because you guys were in love when you were born"
K: "oh really how?"
B: "you guys are soulmates yes you guys are going to hurt each other maybe in the future but at the end of the day you will end up together"
K: "ok book writer"

We both chuckle.

K: "well we're together if that makes you more happy"

I smile

B: "oh no I already heard everything"
K: "how?"
B: "umm I opened a window?"

She says cockily

K: "smartass"
B: "you know they should make a movie about you guys"
K: "oh how all the hearts we would break"

I smile out.

B: "well make sure someone pretty plays me and gets my curly hair right"
K: "of course"

We chuckle.

K: "does long distance relationships work"
B: "well yea when you guys are so in love with each other and both of you are"
K: "you think so?"
B: "I know so"
K: "I still think something is going to go bad"
B: "like what?"
K: "well it's me and gray..we're complicated. He's my best friend to boyfriend..and I don't want to lose both of those things"
B: "who said you're going to lose those things?"
K: "I don't know...me? I guess?"
B: "listen here bitch...all the times he was with a girl. He picked you."

I give her a look

B: "ok at the end of the day he does pick you"
K: "I'm just afraid I might get hurt again"
B: "he's not going to hurt you. And if he does I'll kick his ass."

We both give out small chuckles

K: "I should go check on nick"

She nods her head while I go out of the door. I walk a few steps and right in front of his door. I knock on the door three times. The door quickly opens seeing his face with his puffy eyes making me hurt for him.

K: "can we talk?"

He moves his body to the side making room for me to come in.

I look around and sit on his bed. While he closes the door. He walks a few steps and crosses his arms. silence fills up the room.

K: "I'm sorry. That I picked Grayson"
N: "it's fine..I always knew you were going to pick him"
K: "why is that?"

I say confused

N: "your like his little pet that he can boss around"
K: "I came here to say sorry not get slut shamed by you"
N: "I know!"

I jump a little.

N: "I'm sorry"
K: "I'm sorry that I hurt you. And I'm sorry that I cheated on you..and I hope you find a girl that deserves you and doesn't hurt you the way I did..and I know we didn't work out as a couple but in the future maybe we can start being friends again"
N: "I like that..but for right now. I can't be friends. I need to heal..and just having you around like we used to. I can't. But when the pain does go away. I'll tell you. Now I'm not saying don't hang with me and the guys. Just give me space to cool off"
K: "of course"

I stand up from his bed and walk to his door to open it.

K: "so we're some what cool"
N: "some what cool"

He gives me a small smile as I give him back.

I open the door and close it. I go to my dorm room.

B: "so how was that?"
K: "better than I thought..he was chill about it..hurt. But chill at the same time"
B: "well that's good"
K: "yea. Yea that is"

I give her a small smile.

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