you'd never stop the show until you see the lights

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G: "hey"

He says coming out of the window

K: "hey what's up?"

I say while I type on my computer

G: "do you think you don't know..hang with Paige?"
K: "why?"

I look at him

G: "well she doesn't know you that well and she kinda thinks you're a bitch"
K: "I'll hang with her I guess. But if she starts being a little bitch I'll go ham on her"

I say sarcastically

G: "you wouldn't"

He says serious

K: "I'm kidding. Don't get your dick in a twist"
G: "so you're going to talk to her?"
K: "yea why not"

I close my laptop and follow gray to his window.

G: "hey babe so I'm going to hang with the boys. But Kacie wants to hang and know you a little bit better"
P: "umm. Sure"

She says nicely

Gray kisses her and goes off.

K: "so Paige"

I smile out.

The silence fills in the air.

K: "I'm sorry I don't really know you that well and you probably hate me"
P: "I don't hate you"
K: "you don't have to lie..gray has been very nervous about me and you not liking each other..we just need to talk more. And I don't have a lot of girl friends so I'm hoping you would be my first"

I smile out.

P: "yea. I would like that too"

We both smile at each other

P: "so you guys are really close huh?"
K: "yea"
P: "how close"

You know sex close.

K: "just best friends close"

With benefits

P: "how long have you guys been best friends?"

She's on to something I can feel it.

K: "my mom and his were- actually are best friends so we just been close since birth"

I smile out.

P: "oh..he never really told me that story"

She says confused as I nod my head trying to not make it awkward.

P: "can I ask you something?"
K: "sure"

I say smiling out

P: "katana-"
K: "she's a bitch"
P: "do you think he's cheating on me with her?"
K: "trust me I would kick his ass"

We both chuckle

P: "she made your life a living hell"

She says concerned

K: "yea...what other stuff do you know about"
P: "just how you guys are best friends and high school for you and him that's all"
K: "nothing else"
P: "nope"

I nod my head

P: "do you think he's cheating on me with another girl"

Shit shit shit shit shit shit.

K: "that I know of no..but if I find out he is. My foot would be in his ass"

We both laugh

The guilt rises up in me. She's a nice girl. She doesn't hate me or anything. But she know somethings up with gray. I thought she would be another katana..but am I her now. I didn't care when gray was dating katana cause I didn't like the bitch, but Paige is nice and very different from katana. I actually like her. She's very lucky and I'm ruining that.

K: "you really like him?"
P: "I think I'm in love with him"
K: "really"

I say shocked

P: "yea. Even though we only been dating for two months I just feel like we knew each other for years you know"

I nod my head.

P: "and I won't be mad when he goes off to your house. I now know he's not cheating on me with you or in general"

She gives out a small smile.

The guilt gets deeper and deeper in my stomach trying to hold the tears.

P: "are you ok?"

The tears come down all at once like a waterfall.

P: "I'm sorry if I offended you"

She says worried

K: "no no. It's not that"
P: "what is it then"

She says nicely

I can't do this anymore. She's too nice. She loves gray. I can't hurt her.

K: "umm I'm going to go"

I stand up and go to the window.

P: "umm ok? Bye"
K: "bye"

I sniff out

I go out of the window and into mine.

I stand there in my room trying to stop crying. I close my curtains quickly. And close my eyes for a second. I will always love gray but this benefits thing needs to stop. It's going to break nick and Paige.

?: "hey?"

I jump up and follow the sound.

G: "sorry"

He leans on the door

K: "you scared the shit out of me"
G: "so how did it go"

He comes in my room

K: "good..we didn't kill each other"

I smile out

G: "whats wrong?"

He wipes away my tears cuffing his hands on my face.

K: "she's nice"

I sniff out.

G: "I know"
K: "and she loves you"
G: "I know"
K: "we can't do this anymore"
G: "we were fine the last time"
K: "cause last time I was single and me and katana hated each and Paige get along..and I have nick"
G: "I really am going to miss kissing you at night time"
K: "me too"

He closes the gap between us.

K: "you love her more don't you?"

I look at him. His face buries in guilt.

K: "I know I'm just a body you just want to fuck"

tears come out even more.

G: "she doesn't give it like you do..your body just rocks better with me"
K: "we need to stop doing this"
G: "don't do this again"
K: "what I'm a body for you gray"
G: "your mad because you're not my girlfriend..i love you ok"
K: "what kind? Like best friend or love that they take your breath away?"
G: "I..I don't know both"
K: "both is when their you girlfriend. I'm you side peace..we're going to hurt each other like we did the last time so let's just stop. You love Paige and I love nick"
G: "so that's it?"
K: "that's it"

He pauses and looks at me. He nods his head and walks off. Leaving myself there in my room all alone again. I sit on my bed and try to breathe. Closing my eyes making everything sinking. Even though we haven't dated why does it feel like we just broke up.

Best friends with benefits: college szn Where stories live. Discover now