I suck at summaries, here ya go.

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Jeanne, Jeanne Alter, Marie, Chavelir, Amadeus and Charles all get sent to Hogwarts. Da Vinci and Merlin got bored so they decided to have some fun by sending a group of Servants to go deal with Harry. Merlin is tired of him being an idiot/wants to see what will happen. Da Vinci just goes along with it. So like, they just barge into the French quarters in Chaldea and are like "Y'all are going on a field trip! We're de-aging you and you get to spend seven years in a magic school in Scotland!" "WHAT?!" "Have fun!" Aaand they're all on the Hogwarts Express looking like they're eleven years old. It's...chaos.
The Servants who get sent to Hogwarts and their houses:

Marie Antoinette~ Gryffindor

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart~ Ravenclaw

Chavelir d'Éon~ Gryffindor

Charles Henri-Sanson~ Slytherin

Jeanne d'Arc~ Gryffindor

Jeanne d'Arc Alter (we be calling her Jay for the sake of simplicity, and she and normal Jeanne will be twins.)~ Slytherin
Servants Fake Last names:

Marie Roseanne

Amadeus Roux 

Chavelir Thomas

Charels Adam

Jeanne Sinclair

Jay Sinclair
Blood status

Marie Antoinette: Pureblood

Amadeus Mozart: Pureblood

Chavelir D'Éon: Half-blood

Charels Henri-Sanson: Half-blood

Jeanne d'Arc: Muggleborn

JAlter: Muggleborn
I have one scene that will absolutely be happening, I don't know WHEN, but Draco will hit on Marie and all the Servants collectively look at him like "So, you have chosen...death." McGonagall has to keep Amadeus, Charles and Chavelir from straight up murdering him. 
Canon ships in this fic:

Marie Antoinette x Amadeus (I think it's cute leave me alone)

Eventual Ron x Hermione

Eventual Harry x Ginny

Luna x Neville
So, enjoy the chaos my fellow trash gremlins. -Jackson. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2020 ⏰

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