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Alaire's POV

"Ugh. What the hell is wrong with you?!"

Everyone was crowding and whispering as they watched Brooke shout at the poor red-haired student.

"Are you blind?!" Brooke grabbed the girl from her hair. "Say you're sorry, b*tch." There was no response from the red-head. "I didn't know you were mute too."

The girl bowed her head and whispered something inaudible. "What was that? Louder, so everyone can hear you," Brooke said, crossing her arms. Again, another inaudible whisper can be heard. "I can't hear you, louder!" There was a long pause until we got an audible and unexpected response.

"I said go to hell!"

Everyone gasped at the red-head's response. "Take her." Was all Brooke said then 3 girls went to the poor student's side and was now being dragged out of the cafeteria.

I can't do anything, no one can. Brooke has her hands on everyone's neck. If we intervene with her acts we'll be a dead meat. She will make us suffer until we leave the school.

She's the queen bee and the only daughter of the second-highest investor in this school.

And her eyebrows... it terrifies me.

I will never want to be involved with her, ever! But I will also not in a million years, bow down to her.

"Hey, have you heard that Meredith talked back to Brooke!"

"Of course! How can I not?"

Wow, the news is spreading like wildfire! Every corner of the school is talking about it.

"Hey, Alaire!" My best friend, Steffen, said as he saw me enter our classroom.

"Hi, Steff. How's your day?"

"Not good, dude. Someone is going to tutor me in Calculus!" Not much of a surprise, this happens every year!

"Cool, I mean. I guess you might meet new friends or you might get a girlfriend? Look on the bright side, come on." I said cheering him up. I thought he was already used to this tutoring thingy every year.

"Pfft, you wish! A girlfriend, seriously? I wish you saw his school profile. He was glaring at the camera like a madman ready savor his food,"

His description feels so exaggerated but he looks so serious to exaggerate one. And what? For the first time, Steffen got a boy for a tutor.

"Is he a new student or something?"

"That's the scariest part, he's not! He was here in this school for like how long we've been. Plus, he's from our neighboring section," Steffen's mouth was agape, he sometimes is weird but that does sound so creepy!

"You sound like you've seen a ghost. Man up!" Our other guy classmate, Shan, barged in our conversation. "It's not like he's gonna eat you or something, be like me. See this babies?" He said flexing his arm muscles and kissing it.

Shan then looked at me. "Oh, hey Alaire," he said with a playful smirk plastered on his face. "Your boyfriend is being a chicken," he eyed Steffen.

We didn't bother to respond to his nonsense so we just went on our phones instead.

I was playing Flippy Goose when the door burst open. Everyone gasped when they saw Mr. Abena, our deadly Calculus teacher.

He probably kicked the door open because it has a hole with the same size as his large foot.

Why didn't he opened the door using his other hand? He carried the stack of test papers with only his left hand, the last time I checked that he was right-handed. Unbelievable.

I glanced at Steffen, he was praying! Should I pray for my life too? I may not be as bad as Steff in Calculus but the way Mr. Abena looks at us, feels like we all failed his class!

Everyone was silent, the only thing missing was the cricket sound.

"I assigned some of you with tutors from the other section. Those people who I talked to earlier will start today, after school," he said with a straight face. Even if he looks calm, his voice sounds like he's angry.

I can see in the corner of my eye, Steffen biting his nails nervously.

I silently chuckled. He's so extra.

The class started after Mr. Abena announced the tutoring.

And after that the time came by like it was a beam of light.

"I can do this. If he tries anything creepy to me, I'll punch him to death," Steffen said under his breath. I was giggling the whole time watching him.

"Let's go," Steffen said and he grabbed my bag for him to carry. I then followed him. "I think you tagging along is a bad idea," he said.

"No way! I personally want to meet your tutor," I want to meet him so I can see what I think about him. I don't like judging people based on what others say about them.

"Okay, suit yourself," he said in defeat. "But don't ever blame me if he became your sleep paralysis demon!"

"Okay then, see him in my dreams!" We then shared a laugh.

We entered the almost abandoned library in our school, yes. Almost abandoned! Maybe only 3-5 people go here, including the librarian!

The library was ghost-silent. The librarian made us log-in our school emails and while were doing that, the librarian was examining us. She must've never seen new faces in the library until now.

"So... where is he?" I asked in a whisper.

"I don't know, maybe he's late," Steff gestured to me to sit, so I did.

"What does his face look like, by the way?" You know, without the exaggerated details.

"He has grayish black hair, blue eyes--"

"That must be me," a mysterious voice said.

"Eek!" Steffen and I silently screamed by the sudden voice we heard. "H-how long have you been sitting with us?!"

"Hmm. I don't know, I was here first," he calmly said.

"What the-? How come we didn't notice you?"

He just shrugged and stood. "Caliber," he said and took his hood off then extended his arms, gesturing a handshake.

"Oh, I'm Steffe-."

"I know." He cut Steff's words. "You?" he looked at me, directly at my eyes.

"Alaine Monvalle. Nice to meet you!" I reached out to shake his hand and I gave him my sweetest smile.


Kofi's note:
Fun fact; Caliber's personality and attitude is based on my classmate/seatmate when I was in my first year of highschool!

I don't have my best friend's help/ her proofreading skills in this book, because she also started her online classes and I don't want to bother her with my books.

Also, I got torned between writing this in Tagalog or in English. :(( Wish I could make a Tagalog version of my works.

I will also be updating FDL. Stay tuned!


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2020 ⏰

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