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we only got to third base

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we only got to third base

Harper was sitting out on the balcony connected to her room, overlooking the marsh. She was relaxing with a book in her hand and a Mimosa on the table next to her. With being off work for the summer, Harper really had no plans for the next three months.

Her attention was caught by a knock on the glass door behind her, Hunter slid it open, "There's a party at Kelce's in a few. First one of the summer, gonna be good."

The last time Harper was at a party was a week before she got back into her work last year. It wasn't something she did while on the job, not wanting to risk her father losing her trust.

"I'll be down in a second," Harper finally decided on going, it was a better idea than sitting on her balcony all night. Hunter gave her a thumbs up before exiting her room.

Harper decided on wearing a simple sweater and jean shorts, not going over the top. She met her brother downstairs and together they drove to Kelce's.

At summer parties, a lot of the crowd consisted of tourist teenagers who are staying at the Marriott on Figure Eight. They see a party and walk in like the know the people.

Hunter pulled up to the house, parking besides Hayden who was already there. Harper loved Hayden, but the way he throws his life away with drugs frightens her. She never wants to lose him like she lost her mother.

"The Bratton's are here," Hunter hollered once they found their friends sitting around on a couch, "The party can start."

"I've been here, bitch," Hayden said to him, throwing a beer in which Hunter caught. Harper took a seat next to her older brother, feeling more comfortable being around someone she trusted. He threw his arm around the girl with a smile, "Hey, sis."

She returned the smile while reaching for a seltzer that sat in an ice bucket on the table in front of them. After overthinking the whole partying idea, Harper thought of her fathers words. It was her last summer as a teenager and she wanted to spend it like that.

"Be careful, Bratton," Harper heard a voice from behind her, "That has 5% alcohol."

"You're such a comedian, Rafe!" Harper sarcastically smiled, keeping her eyes locked with the boy's as she took a sip of her seltzer, "I almost forgot to laugh!"

Harper let out a forced laughed before reaching over towards the table and grabbing a bottle of Bacardi, taking a swig from it. Rafe watched her movements and rolled his eyes at the girl.

The relationship that they've had over the past few years consisted on sarcastic remarks towards each other. Both just trying to get under the others skin.

Hayden glared at the Cameron boy as he took a seat across from them. He didn't like anyone who hurt his sister, even if he was friends with them before. Which they were, Hayden and Rafe always hung around with the same crowed since the eldest Bratton son was only 21.

"Don't look so angry, Hayden," Rafe laughed, "You're acting like I got into your sisters pants." Harper had to hold back her brother before he got up and went for Rafe, "We only got to third base. Right, Harper?"

Harper was left in shock at Rafe's words, the way he casually exposed their past, "No, Rafe, it only counts if you make me finish," Harper spat back at the boy, receiving 'oh shit's from the people sitting around them.

Hayden and Hunter laughed in sync at their sister before she got up and walked away from her friends, "Cmon, man. That was funny," Harper heard Topper say followed by a huff and someone getting up to follow her.

The girl didn't stop walking until she mad it to the end of Kelce's dock out on the marsh. She took a seat, her feet hanging over the edge, and stared out at the water. Harper didn't look behind her when she heard someone walking down the dock, or when they took a seat next to her.

"Funny joke you made back there," Rafe spoke, following Harper's gaze towards the water, "Because if I remember correctly, you finished. Multiple times."

"God, Rafe," Harper groaned, putting her head into her hands, "Do you purposefully try and piss me off?"
It was quiet for a while, "You never even told me you were proud of me," she let out in a whisper.

Rafe ran his hand through his hair, unsure what to say. Of course he was proud of her, but he was hurt by the way she got up and left him before their senior year.

"And obviously nothing has changed," Harper let out after Rafe didn't say anything. The two sat in awkward silence for a couple minutes before Rafe got up and walked back towards the house.

Harper laughed to herself, thinking how they used to be the closest of friends. Of course she knew that everything could be talked out, but she wasn't sure if she wanted him back in her life.

If he wasn't proud of me then, would he ever be?

The next morning consisted of Harper sneaking into her office before anyone woke up and getting a few hours of work in. She wanted to clear her head and the easiest way to do that was to get lost in the bills, contracts, and charts that filled her computer screen.

Hunter brought her some breakfast around 7 a.m. when he came home and noticed her in the office. He didn't say anything about her working, yet he took a seat by one of the windows.

"What did you say to Rafe last night?" He finally spoke up, "He came back and grabbed his phone then just left."

Harper leaned back in her chair and spun around, facing her brother, "I told him that he never said he was proud of me and he said nothing."

"I'm sorry, Harper," Hunter said, genuinely, "He'll come around." With that Hunter went up to his room to go back to sleep and Harper was left alone in her office. She continued to work on some contracts to keep her mind from wandering to Rafe.

Sovereign [rafe cameron]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora