Can You Feel The Love Tonight?

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Soundtrack: Can You Feel The Love Tonight?

Warning: There would be some hints of mature actions in this chapter, don’t read if you’re uncomfortable with it.

“Are you sure about this?”

She looked at him quizzically while he only smiled, hand still stretched out for her to take.

“The Council will be looking for me.”

“Don’t worry; I’m sure they will be fine without their Queen for a few hours.” He told her, chuckling. “Come on, you need to loosen up sometimes.”

She sighed and took his hand, finally giving up on his request. He was probably right; she could straight things out with the Council later. Besides, they were the ones who wanted her to bond with the man she was going to be married to, right?

He led her out through the gates, hand still holding hers securely. They passed the village, the people bowing at them respectfully, and actually exited the kingdom and to the forest.

“Where are you taking me to?”

“You’ll see.” He said as they walked deeper into the woods. “Now come on, we must hurry if you don’t want to miss dinner.”

She sighed and followed him, lifting her dress to her ankles to avoid herself from tripping down. They were walking for a little while before he suddenly stopped, looking ahead.

“What is it?”

He turned to look at her with a smile. “Close your eyes.”


“Trust me.”

She stared at him for a moment before giving in and closed her eyes, her vision gone black and she relayed on her hearing and touch to know that he was still with her.

“Don’t peek.”

An amused smile grew on her face when he whispered into her ear before leading her a bit more, steering her left and right so she won’t bump into anything.

“Okay, open your eyes.”

When she did what she was told to, her jaw dropped in surprise. She was now facing a beautiful waterfall, not too high so the water didn’t splash too far, a clear blue lake with a small stream to get the water to the fjord. The grass was so green and the flowers bloomed all around them, giving a magnificent smell, not in the slightest smell far too much to make her nausea.

“This place is so beautiful…”

“I know you’ll love It.” he said, hands rested on her shoulders as he stood behind her, but she was sure he was smiling.

They found themselves sitting by the lake, his jacket being used for her to sit so that her dress won’t be ruined. The Prince sat there beside her, watching as she dipped her hands into the cold water and enjoying how refreshing it was against her face, her shoes and his boots tucked safely aside.

But he suddenly got up and took a few steps away from the lake, she watching him confusedly before he ran and jumped into the cold water, splashing water everywhere while she desperately trying to shield herself with her hands, laughing.

She looked at the water, her laughter dying down as she searched for any sign of him, but there isn’t any.


The pair of drenched arms wrapped around her body was so quick and unexpected that she could only caught a glimpse of the auburn haired Prince’s grinning face before she was pulled into the water.

Elsa quickly resurfaced with a gasp, inhaling as much air her lungs needed as she was not prepared to dive into the water, pulling herself back onto the ground, drenched from head to toe.

Her companion came beside her, a playful grin on his face as his hair covered his eyes. She pouted at him before pushing him back into the water, laughing as she did so before getting away from the water. She didn’t need to be pulled back into the lake for the second time.

The cold didn’t bother her, thankfully, and after both were tired from fooling around, they sat back by the lake, his shirt was hanged on a tree branch to dry while she unbraided her hair, her dress clinging onto her body as she stubbornly refused to undress, she didn’t want to have people seeing her in nothing but her underwear.

He was standing as he dried his gloves with his hands, his toned and muscled torso was free for her to stare, but she quickly averted her gaze, it was not proper for her to stare a man’s body.

“As soon as my shirt is dry enough, we’re heading back to the castle.” He told her, “I’m sorry about your dress though.”

“It’s fine.”

He looked up, eyes slightly widened when he saw her already standing nearby, wet dress clinging onto her body and showed her curves, her platinum blonde hair let loose cascading on her back.

“I’m having fun.”

A smile grew on his face. He was glad that she was having fun and didn’t seem to be angry at him for pulling her into the water. “Are you sure you won’t catch cold?”

She shook her head, smiling as he took a step closer to her. “No, don’t worry.”

“Good to know.” He brushed away a strand of hair away from her face with the back of his hand, but they didn’t lost contact as he dragged his hand over her jaw, his thumb brushing the light dusted freckles on her cheek.

Neither of them knew who made the move first, but they didn’t really care as their lips pressed against each other. His tongue ran against her lips, making her let out a soft moan into his mouth and also giving his tongue access into her mouth.

He changed their angles, turning their kiss deeper into an open-mouthed kiss.

She must’ve tripped on her own dress because soon enough they found themselves on the ground, him hovering above her with his elbow supporting himself so she won’t get squeezed under his weight.

His hand roamed over her waist and down on her hip while her arms wrapped around his neck, pulling him closer. His lips moved down and peppered her neck and shoulders with wet kisses instead.

She could feel his hand has found it’s way under her skirt, going up on her thigh. “We can’t do this…” she murmured against his lips. “Not yet.”

He pulled away, his hand leaving her thigh, moving her dress down to cover her milky skin again. “I-I’m sorry. I got carried away…”

She planted a quick kiss on his lips, a small smile formed on her lips. “It’s fine. Two is needed to do Tango.” She told him, “It’s not completely your fault.”

He pushed himself up before helping her up. “I think we should return now…”

She nodded in agreement, taking her shoes and his boots while he put his shirt on, taking his jacket and draped it over her shoulders, smiling at her.


“If the Council asked-”

“-We fell into the lake because we stood on a slippery rock.”

They exchanged a knowing look with a playful smile on their lips. Three things she was completely sure. One, she was completely comfortable with him her powers didn’t show up even once. Two, she was madly in love with him. And three, she really didn’t care about what the Council will tell her when they reached home. She was content with this little outing she did with him together, just the two of them.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Jan 03, 2015 ⏰

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