"Kill yourself." I snarled.

He smiled, then turned around and walked back upstairs. 



I arrived home around evening time since my mom and I stopped a few places. When I got into my bedroom, I turned my phone on and saw I had a couple of text messages and one missed call from Dalilah. Feeling confident that she would answer me, I called her back, but she didn't pick up. I called her again, but she didn't answer.

What would she be doing? She had only called me an hour ago. I know she couldn't be that busy, now. After I called her three more times with no answer, I called Jake, but he didn't pick up either. I decided to give up, thinking they would probably call me back later. My mother called out to me saying that she was leaving for work, but I didn't say anything. I hated when she went to work, because I didn't like staying alone. But, I guess she had to do what she had to do so we could live.

I had a bad feeling in my gut when I grabbed my night clothes to take a shower. I didn't know what it was, but it was definitely bothering me. I turned on the shower and stripped my clothes, then took my hair down and got in. I began washing myself, trying to get this feeling to go away. I thought that maybe I was feeling like this because I just came from Isolina's funeral, but it was something in my mind that was telling me there was something more than that going on.

After my shower, I dried off and got dressed, then combed my hair out and put it back into a messy bun. I walked into my room and heard my cell phone ringing on my bed. I rushed to look and saw that it was Carlos calling me.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hey, Aaliyah." He said. "I haven't talked to you since last night. I saw you at the funeral today, and Daniel told me what happened earlier. Are you okay over there?"

"I'm fine." I said. 

"Good." He said. "I want you to be careful, especially with that bastard Anthony and his crew creeping around our territory lately. I have some weapons I think you should have, so when you get the chance run down the street to my canton real quick, alright?"


"I'll see you later, Aaliyah."

"Wait," I stopped him.

"What's up?" He asked.

"I have a really bad feeling in my gut, Carlos, and I don't know what it is." I said. "I called Dalilah like ten times earlier and she didn't pick up. Should I be worried?"

"Shit." He hissed. "Stay right there, Aaliyah. Me and the crew are gonna roll through and then we're gonna go check her canton. Call her again and tell me what happens."

He hung up, leaving me even more worried than I was before. I called Dalilah two more times, but she still didn't pick up the phone. I knew something was wrong, then. I put on a coat and grabbed my new baseball bat that Alfonso gave me, and I went into the living room and waited for Carlos to come. 

It was about ten minutes later when I heard the door unlocking and Carlos, Juan, and Alvara walked inside of the apartment. There were many other members of the LM, but Juan and Alvara were Carlos's closest friends and the leaders under him. 

"You good?" Juan asked as him and his crew began looking around the apartment.

"I'm fine," I said. "I'm worried about Dalilah."

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