Chapter 5: The Message

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It was a sad day for Obi-Wan Kenobi. The man who he had considered his brother, Anakin Skywalker, had turned to the dark side. Not only that, but he had to track down and fight him on Mustafar. He succeeded, leaving Anakin to burn at the side of the river. But he was still alive, and Obi-Wan felt it.

Meanwhile, Padmé had just given birth to a set of twins, who were named Luke and Leia. She then died of mysterious causes, having lost the will to live.

now, hw was now onboard the Tantive III with Senator Bail Organa and Grand Master Yoda..

They had set up plans for what to do with the children. Leia would be sent to live with Senator Organa, while Luke would be sent to Tatooine, a place that Kenobi knew Anakin would never dare return to.

They were just about to depart for Tatooine when Senator Organa called him and Yoda to the cockpit.

"Kenobi," he said, "I've caught an encoded message from the Jedi temple. You may want to see this."

"It's likely a trap of sorts," Kenobi said.

"Well," said the Senator, "it was broadcasting a trap. But someone changed the message. Here, let me show you."

Senator Organa took Kenobi and Yoda to the cockpit of the ship.

"Put the message through," Organa asked the pilot of the ship.

"Yes sir," he replied. He pushed a few buttons, and a holographic message popped up.

Kenobi gasped at what he saw.

It was none other than Ahsoka Tano, Anakin's former apprentice, who had left the Jedi Order a few months prior. From the recording, it seemed that she was wearing an Onderon royal outfit.

"This is Ahsoka Tano," she began to speak. "I regret to report that both our Jedi Order and the Republic have fallen. This message is a warning and a reminder for any surviving Jedi: trust in the Force. Do not return to the Temple. That time has passed, and our future is uncertain. Avoid Coruscant. Avoid detection. Be secret... but be strong. We will each be challenged: our trust, our faith, our friendships. But we must persevere and, in time, I believe a new hope will emerge. May the Force be with you always."

The hologram flickered off. Kenobi held his hand at his mouth, in awe of what he saw.

"This... isn't possible," Kenobi said.

"Well," said Senator Organa, "The Empire would have no need to fake a message like this, especially by using her. She must have returned to the temple during the attack."

"Correct, he is," Yoda said. "Not a fake, this message is. Done something brave, Padawan Tano has."

"But this does raise a ton of questions. How did she get into the temple? Did she help anyone else get out? And why is she wearing an outfit of Onderonian royalty!?!?"

Yoda seemed to be thinking.

"Perhaps, taken refuge on Onderon, Ahsoka has," Yoda said

"But how did she get such an expensive combat outfit!?"

"Because went to Senator Bonteri, she did."

Ahsoka, Daughter of the Light (Book 3): SurvivorWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu