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Third Person's POV

Kenma's hand comes back into her's and they start going back to the building. They silently walked together, knowing that everyone apart from the two were awake. Or so they thought... 

That night, there was someone who was awake. He felt restless and he just couldn't keep his mind off someone. Though, the creak of doors opening added to the sounds of the silent night, interrupting his train of thought. Staring into the darkness of the room, he heard the slither of a familiar voice. The voice that enchanted him in an instant. The person that ran circles in his mind after their early encounter two days ago. But what dulled his lightened mood was the words spoken by someone else.

"Let's go outside." He said, placing his phone into his pocket, grabbing her hand in his. "Maybe it'll help."

He had carefully listened to their words, trying to formulate a little plan for himself. However, he ended up not risking following the two; instead, he needed to carefully creep his way over to the window. He kept his breath controlled as he did that. It felt like he was in his own fantastical spy movie, trying his best to stay silent. He just hoped they went behind the building and to the hill. He was lucky in that department. And at least they wouldn't see him from where he was. He looked through the window, seeing Mai smile, leaning in to the other boy's embrace. But her smile made him stagger on his own breath. 

"Oi! Nishinoya!"

He felt himself smile because she was.


"Hey, Noya! Earth to Noya!" Tanaka exclaimed as he waved his hand in front of the boy's face. Nishinoya was soon to snap out his dream state, realising he was no longer in that room, but in the school gym. "What's up with you dude? You've been spacing out and smiling, ever since we got back from the training camp. Are you okay?"

"I-I have? Haha, I didn't notice." Nishinoya instantly brushed off with a chuckle. "I'm okay, I was just thinking about something."

"Or about someone?" Tanaka teased as he elbowed him, with a grin plastered along his face.

"What are you talking about Ryu?" He panicked, waving his hands in front of him. "I was just thinking about, y'know, spring nationals and our first match for the prelims. That's all!"

"Are you sure?" Tanaka extended his words, hoping to coax the actual truth out of him. "Or maybe you're still thinking about the sweetheart from the training camp."

"Sweetheart? Oh, c'mon Ryu." Nishinoya shook his head with a laugh. In response, Tanaka slung his arm over Nishinoya's shoulder and led him out of the gym. "Mai is far from the things I'm thinking about. An she's probably isn't into me anyways—"

"Am I hearing the great Noya just deny his own feelings for a girl he has a chance with? Damn, what a development!" He teased again, looking at Nishinoya with wide eyes and a smile. It left Nishinoya a little stunned, thinking back to the next morning.

"What?! NO!" Nishinoya replied, slightly flustered in his place.

"Whatever you say Noya, but I really do believe you had, or maybe still have a chance." Tanaka winked, as they continued to the end of the path and around the field.

'Maybe I still do have a chance.' Nishinoya thought as they started to talk about the prelim matches. 'Damn it... I should've gotten her number.. Wait—'


The sun peaked fully through the window above Tetsurō's bed. Throughout the early saturday morning, Mai was still asleep calmly in her brother's bed. She naturally woke up, unable to keep her eyes closed. As she finally came to her senses, she furrowed her eyebrows at the blanket she was under.

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