Chapter 5 - Hard Training

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Luong Lan dodged a fist that came flying towards him before sending a fist back. His blow was countered and he barely dodged the leg sweep. Lan cartwheeled before charging toward his opponent, aiming toward his abdomen. When he was close enough, he feigned it and delivered a swift kick to his shoulder. The receiver grunted and stumbled back a bit, putting some distance between them.

Looking into those familiar set of green eyes, Luong Lan could see the surprise and envy that burned in their depends. When his opponent rushed for him again, he could see the malicious intent in his eyes and he forced himself to shrink in fear. Using his height to his advantage, the attacker tried to pressure Lan into a corner, sending blow after blow.

Although Lan was much faster and agiler than his opponent, his hits were harder and his strikes were fast enough to keep him from evading. Their fight continued for a while before Lan was able to out-think his opponent and delivered a head-scissor throw before delivering a hard strike to the chest. Luong Lan panted as he stood over the boy who was holding his chest painfully. He looked up at Luong Lan with an icy glare.

The room was silent for a while, the spectators a little shocked at the results. There were several raised eyebrows and blank expressions of the witnesses. Suddenly, a resounding clap echoed in the room followed by more.

"Whoop! Alright, Lan-Lan!" Polan cheered, ignoring the bruises that covered his own body.

Luong Lan looked at the chubby boy that was clapping for him and cheering him on. Not even his busted lip could stop the words flying out of his mouth. The side of his mouth quirked up before going flat again as he gazed at his father. The expression on his face was unreadable for a good minute before approval shined in his eyes. He turned to the referee and nodded to him.

"Winner: Luong Lan!" the referee announced, ending the match.

When Luong Lan tried to help his brother off the floor, he slapped his hand away. He glared at him harshly before he stood up on his own. He walked away with a small limp, but with his head held high. The maids quickly came to his aid and checked on him.

"Well done." Behong's voice boomed, catching Luong Lan's attention.

He turned to his oldest son and nodded his head. Leming, who was standing on the sidelines, stepped into the open space with his younger brother. He looked at the 8 year old as he placed a good bit of distance between them. Although he had fought two battles today, his clothes remained untouched. There was not a bruise on his body and he looked the same as if he were causally hanging out. His expressions remained indifferent and his posture was straight. He waited for his father's command.

"Don't hold back." Behong suddenly stated before he nodded at the referee.

"You may start the match." the referee waved off.

Luong Lan shuddered under Leming's calculative gaze.

It was no secret that Leming was the best fighter out of the boy's while Lihin was the smartest. Luong Lan was very hesitant about fighting his older brother. Sure he had gotten a little better, but he was no where as talented as him. Everyone knew how this match would end.

Luong Lan looked at his father who's face remained expressionless. When their eyes met, Lan quickly looked away and his body tensed. As bad as he wanted to runaway, he had no choice, but to fight.

Leming suddenly moved.

Luong Lan moved to block his face but was suddenly punched in the gut. He felt like the air had been knocked out of him and he stumbled back. He clumsily caught his footing and placed some distance between them. Before he knew it, Leming was closing the distance again and moving to attack. Lan did his best evade his blows and managed to avoid some, but not all.

By the end of the match, Luong Lan was beaten into pulp. He lied on the ground, tired and heavily bruised. Behong only stopped the fight when blood was drawn. Fatal blows weren't tolerated.

Behong stood from his seat and walked toward the mini-arena. He first stopped at Leming who had his head bowed in respect. He placed a hand on his shoulder, making young teen look up at him. His facial expression was the same, but his eyes shown with approval.

"Well done." he said. "You are dismissed."

Leming bowed to his father with a respect, a barely recognizable smile on his face before it quickly disappeared. After his oldest left, Behong turned to his youngest who was still lying on the ground.

He sighed to himself and shook his head. He did his best to give his children an equal chance, but he couldn't control how they improved. Compared to his brothers, Luong Lan was far behind. He didn't do well when it came to his studies and he was a weak fighter. It was the reason why he was so hard on him. He didn't think his handicap made him incapable of being capable. It was only a obstacle, a hurdle that Luong Lan had to be willing to jump over himself.

But it seemed like young boy had yet to realize that and it annoyed him. As a son of his, he couldn't afford to be a weak link. His own pride and vanity wouldn't allow it. He would make something of himself even if he had to beat it into him.

"Get up." he commanded.

Luong Lan slowly got up. There was blood coming from his nose and he covered in dirt. Behong frowned. He looked like one of those peasants from the lower ring. His eyes hardened.

"I am disappointed in you." he said harshly. "For now on, you will have no free time to goof off afterschool. You will meet here everyday and train. You bring enough shame to this family."

Luong Lan winced at his father's words and his eyes watered. He kept his head down, staring at his feet. He fought back his tears, not wanting to embarrass himself even more. He heard his father scoff and watched his feet move farther away.

"Someone take him to his room." he left the courtyard.

One of maids, came up to Luong Lan and escorted him out the courtyard. His eyes remained glued to the floor. When he finally arrived to his room, he was greeted by two other maids. 

After cleaning his nose and giving him a bath, the redressed him and left him to his own devices. Luong Lan sat his desk where a book laid on the surface. He suddenly shoved it off the desk along with the rest of his things. Burying his face into his arms, he began to cry in silence. He hated his life. And there were moments when he wished he had never been born.

If he wasn't there, he wouldn't cause his parents so much distress. The Wuchen family would never have to worry about being shamed. They wouldn't have to worry about carrying a weak link. Everyone would be much happier if he wasn't there.




Luong Lan quickly dried his face as the door opened. He stood from his chair and turned to face his visitor.

"Are you okay, Lan-Lan?" his mother said sweetly as she shut the door behind her.

Luong Lan nodded.

Nayon stared at him before looking at the books and papers that were scattered on the floor. She looked back at Luong Lan who looked a little sheepish. She would have giggled if she wasn't so consumed by worry.

"What's the matter, Lan-Lan?" she asked as she walked to him.

Luong Lan looked down and shook his head.

His mother knew he was lying and her heart ached for her youngest. She immediately pulled him into a hug, temporarily ignoring the swelling in his face. It hurt her that he was afraid to be open with her. When she felt something wet on her dress, she held him tighter. She prayed to the gods for a breakthrough for her child. He didn't deserve this.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2020 ⏰

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