Chapter 3 - The Lu Academy

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The Lu Academy was one of the most prestigious schools amongst the northern provinces. It was located in a small city called Lang Hao Ga. Like other wealthy and noble families, the Wuchens traveled miles away from Pinggong village to ensure their children got the best education in the best environment. Besides Lu Academy, the secondary school, Su Lao Prep was also in the city. It was the next level before students were able to apply for university.

When the carriage approached the Academy, Luong Lan couldn't help but stare at the place in awe. The place was bigger than the Wuchen Estate and he saw so many people walking into the building. Because the school housed students K-8, the building was built tall and wide to accommodate the population and the areas sounding the building were spacious. The boys eyes lit up at the sight of their school.

The only one who didn't look too thrilled was Polan. He'd rather be in his room eating dumplings than sitting in class all day. The only reason why he even came to school was because of his friends.

Nayon looked down at the expression on Luong Lan face and smiled. Maybe was over-thinking the situation and worrying too much. She turned to look at Behong who met her gaze and gave him a nod. Seeing this, Behong glanced over at Luong Lan and gauged his expression. A look of approval showed on his face and he relaxed a little.

When the carriage finally stopped in front of the school gates, the coachman hopped off his perch and went to open the door. Leming was the first to step out, followed by his younger siblings. The coachman carefully helped Nayon out before standing to the side. Behong remained inside.

"Alright, boys. You guys have a great day at school and shine bright. Mommy will be here to back to get you at the end of the day." Nayon said. "Please take care of your little brother for me."

"Hai." they all responded.

Nayon then turned to Luong Lan who stared at her with an unreadable expression. With a small smile, she stooped down low and engulfed him in a hug before giving him a kiss on the cheek. She saw his cheeks dust pink a little and her eyes gleamed in amusement. At least he was showing some form of emotion.

"Lan-Lan. This is your first day of school so I know you're nervous. But you need not worry. Mommy and Daddy have already taken care of things for you." she said sweetly. "I want you to go and have fun today and make friends. Your brothers will be there for you if you need help."

Luong Lan didn't say anything and only blinked. At his lack of response, Nayon sighed as she stood. She gave him a small smile before turning to enter the carriage.

The little boy could only watch as the coachman closed the carriage door and hurried to his seat. Once he was settled, he whipped the reigns of the ostrich horses and began to navigate the carriage back the way they came. 

Luong Lan watched the back of the carriage as it began to disappear in the distance. When he could no longer see them, he turned to where his brothers were standing only to find that most of them were gone. The only one that was there was Polan and he was leaning against the gate.

The boy waved him over. "Come on, little bro. We're already late for class." he said.

Not waiting for his response, Polan wrapped his chubby hand around Lan's and quickly moved inside the building. Luong Lan couldn't help but look around curiously, amazed at how the inside seemed as big as the outside. He subconsciously tightened his grip on his hand, feeling anxious as they maneuvered through the sea of students that were rushing off to class as well.

Luong Lan lead him to the K hall were the kindergartens and first graders were. He stopped had Class 1 and turned to Luong Lan who's big green eyes were looking up at him.

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