Chapter 2 - First Day

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The Wuchen Estate was chaotic the next morning. Maids in each courtyard rushed to and from the manor house with different things in tow. In Luong Lan's room, the servants hurried to get him ready. After getting him dressed and cleaned, he was given book sack and rushed downstairs to the main room.

Luong Lan could only be pulled helplessly by the maids as they went to greet his mother and father standing beside the door. Behong expressions remained stoic as he watched the maids bring his son to him. When he arrived in front of them, Luong Lan looked up at the man without expression. He couldn't help but be in slight awe of his father's towering figure.

Behong was an attractive man that stood at 6'2" and of a slim muscular build. He was very immaculate and had a cold demeanor. There was no doubt that he was of noble blood and there was a hint of arrogance in his posture. The most important thing about this man was that he was prideful and a perfectionist. Looking down at his son, a range of emotions swept his expressions. He finally settled with is usual stony look and looked at him with expectation.

Luong Lan continued to stare at his father before his green eyes drifted to his mother. Nayon was a fairly tall woman herself, standing at 5'10 in height. She had beautiful jade skin and green eyes that held a natural glaze to them. Her long black hair was pulled into a neat bun with expensive ornaments decorating it. Her make up was light and she had a youthful appearance.

She looked at Luong Lan with a small, encouraging smile, silently hoping that a miracle would happen for her child. There was also a hint of excitement in her eyes. Of course, any mother would be hesitant yet proud of their child's first day of school.

Seeing that his son had yet to speak, Behong exhaled deeply and turned to his wife. "I'll escort you out. The others are out front already." he said.

Nayon nodded and reached down to grab his small hand. "Come now, Lan-Lan. We have to meet your brothers." she said gently.

Standing at only 3'5" ft, Luong Lan could only hold onto her slender fingers as she led him out the door. They walked down the well-layered stars of the main house and head down the cemented path toward the large gates of the Wuchen Estate. Standing at the entrance, were 4 boys dressed in uniform and carrying book sacks on their persons. At the sound of foot steps, they all turned to see their parents walking along with their younger brother.

"Mom. Dad." the oldest boy greeted politely.

His name was Leming Wuchen. He was 6 years Lan's senior and looked much like his father. His green eyes were sharp and intelligent with a hint of cunning. They drifted to his younger brother who remained silent as he was coaxed along by his mother. Irritation flashed across his face before it quickly disappeared. He was going to make them late.

"Good morning."


"Good morning, mom and dad."

The rest greeted. In order, they were Lihin, Polan, and Fashing.

Lihin was the second oldest of the bunch. He took on more his mothers features but was quiet like his grandfather. His eyes were light green and he was slim. He adjusted the glasses on his face as he looked up at his parents. He glanced at his youngest brother before turning another direction.

Fashing was the second youngest. He had a mixture of his parents features and had brown hair. He greeted his parents but completely ignored his little brother, not even sparing him a glance. Of course, no one bothered to comment on it as Fashing was always an expressive little boy. They didn't really think anything of it, seeing it as childish jealousy. It was normal between siblings.

Polan was the third eldest. He was a chubby kid with cute dimples on his cheeks and had a bright smile. His eyes were full of mischief and spirit, and troublemaker was written across his forehead. When his eyes landed on Lan, there was a playful glint in his eye.

"What's up, little bro!" he greeted cheerfully as he reached his hand toward him.

Luong Lan stared at his hand that was bawled into a fist with a dumb look. He slowly looked up at him and blinked.

"Idiot. He doesn't understand." Leming said, rolling his eyes.

"Oh?" Polan replied loosely before his eyes sparked again and he looked down at Lan. "Well let me show ya how to do it then!"

He grabbed Lan's small hand and balled it up into a fist. He then pressed it against his, giving him a fist bump. When Polan released his hand, Luong Lan stared at him before looking down at his bawled hand. He stared at it curiously before turning to look at Polan as if he were asking what he was doing.

"It's something my friends and I do at school." Polan grinned. "It's a form of a greeting!"

Nayon couldn't help but giggle at her son. He was as cute as can be and had such a lively personality. She wondered if allowing Lan to hang around him more would help him open up. Perhaps Polan's outgoing character would give Lan the proper encouragement to at least try to communicate. She didn't want her son being anti-social and unable to interact with others.

Leming huffed. "Mom. Dad. We're going to be late. We were supposed to leave hours ago." he said with a small frown.

"Mom's sorry." Nayon consoled. "I just wanted to make sure Lan-Lan here was fully prepared for school. It is his first day and I want him make sure he's comfortable."

Lihin only nodded. "Okay. But big brother's right." he said. "We should be going."

"Then let's go." Behong said as he walked toward the large carriage.

The boys quickly followed behind while Luong Lan stayed with his mother. Nayon was the last one to enter the carriage before the coachmen took off and they departed from the residence. It took an hour to get to school so boys were going to end up a few minutes late because of the delay. This displeased Lihin, Leming, and Fashing, and they could only hope that it didn't become a regular thing. They shouldn't have to suffer just because their brother was slow.

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