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Previously on "Everything changed"
-Mia returns from school and sees...

suitcases all over the living room.

M- Ms.Vicki what's going on? Are we moving or something?
what's happening? Why don't I know anything about this?
I left my backpack on the sofa and waited for ms.Grayson's response.

MsGr- No sweetheart, we are not moving. Someone came to visit us today.

huh? Who came to visit us? I'm gonna ask her.

M- Who-
i said with a confused look on my face

F- Mia?

M- Flynn?

Flynn walked from the door inside the house. How can he be here? Didn't he leave me 6 years ago?

MsV- Oh, so you remember eachother! That's nice, isn't it? Now that you have become basically siblings

M- What?!

F- Mom, we are not siblings and we will never be. She is just a visitor until she turns 18. Then she will leave anyway.
he said as he was slamming the door and leaving.

How could he ever say that? We were best friends back then. What the hell happened to him?
Without even realizing, i burst into tears and I runned upstairs to my room.

MsV- Mia wait! He didn't mean what he said.

I closed the door and sat on the floor.
He changed so damn much. I remember when we were little...


It's my 11th birthday. I'm soo excited for my party today! I hope Flynn will make it... I want to tell him that I like him but i'm sure he doesn't like me back.


I'm wearing a pink dress and i put a pink lipstick on!

F- Hey Mia!

M- Hi Flynn...
I said shyly

F- You look so pretty today! Happy birthday! You deserve the world Mia. I'm so lucky to have you as my best friend.

I blused and smiled...
I'm lucky to have you too, Flynn Grayson...




M- Hey Violet....
I tried to cover my face, so she won't notice my puffy eyes.

V- OMGG! Is it true that Flynn Grayson is back?

M-Yeah.. what about it?
I tried to act as cool as i could...

V-What about it??? Em you had the fattest crush on him back then!

M- No I didn't Vi! We were just friends nothing more...

V-Ok listen.. I have to go! Jake is heree

M- Wasn't his name, Mike?

V- Mike?? Ohhh Mike! I'm so over him.

M- Didn't you date him last week?

V- Yeah so over him.

M- haha ok fine bye

*end of facetime*

I put on my pjs and started writing an essay on my MacBook.

*40 minutes later*

Flynn barged into my room.

F- What are you doing in my room?
he said with an angry face.

M- What's up with the attitude Flynn? It's my room now.

flynn rolled his eyes and he kept staring at me.

M- Stop it!

F- Stop what?

M- Stop being such a jerk!

F- I'm not a jerk.

M- Well then stop acting like one.
gosh.. he is so annoying.

*Ms.Vicki entered the room*

MsV- What happened guys? Why are you yelling at eachother?

M- There's no way I'm letting him steal my room!

F- Yours? It's my room!

Ms.V- Enough! You have to get along and that's why you will share the same room.



Hello Pumpkins! We've just finished our second chapter! Tell us your opinion about it and what you want to happen next!

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