A.M.K. (Aftermath of Mereoleona's Kidnapping)

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     Mimosa probably imagined it, but once she saw her bed, she saw a halo of light shining around it. As soon as she was close enough, she practically fell onto her bed. Sometimes she liked being a Vermillion. This was not one of those times. If she was a commoner, she wouldn't have been dragged off on crazy escapades with Mereoleona and end up almost dead and tired. Mimosa frowned as someone else plopped onto her bed beside her.

     "Oh dear, oh dear." Kirsch exhaled tiredly. "I never want to see Cousin Mereoleona as long as I live."

     "For once, I have to agree with you." Mimosa groaned. "Now, can you leave and go to your own room? Just because I want Mereoleona to disappear more than you doesn't mean I still don't want you to disappear."

     "I would leave, but my legs have given out."

     Sighing, Mimosa gave up on getting Kirsch out of her room and laid down beside him. Note to self, Mimosa thought as she stole a glance at the now-sleeping Kirsch. Never go training with Mereoleona again, and throttle Kirsch tomorrow for not getting out of my room. 

     Mimosa felt her eyelids slowly droop. Her last thoughts were about how she would nearly died while training with Mereoleona, and how she was better off learning fashion tips from Kirsch than training with their insane cousin again.


     "You sure you don't want me to leave you in your room?"

     "Yeah, I'll be fine here. See you later, Finral."

     "See you Leo."

     It took a massive effort, but Leo managed to drag himself to the entrance to Fuegoleon's office. Leo slumped against the door as he knocked. Not only was he exhausted physically and magically, he was exhausted mentally. Leo was still trying to process why his sister had to go to this length to torture him when the door to the office opened. Fuegoleon opened the door and smiled upon seeing Leo.

     "Leo! How are you? Do you need something?"

     It was a good thing Fuegoleon had fast reflexes. Leo didn't even have the energy to warn his brother his legs were giving out. Fuegoleon picked Leo up and placed him on the couch inside his office. After drinking some water, Leo was finally able to ease his brother's worries.

     "I'm fine, Fuego." Leo sighed as he rested his head on a pillow. "There's no other explanation other than Mero happened to me."

     Fugeoleon rubbed his forehead once he heard that Mereoleona had tortured Leopold again. He wanted to do something about it, but Mereoleona wouldn't change. Hopefully she would fall in love with someone with a kind heart who could calm her down a bit. 

     "What did she do this time?"

     Leo proceeded to tell Fuegoleon everything that happened. Fuegoleon wasn't very happy when he found out this was all for Mereoleona to get back at Leo for eating the last turkey leg several days ago. He did have to applaud his older sister for managing to work with so many other people without blowing them up.

     "I can't believe Mero did all this to get back at you." Fuegoleon mumbled as he shook his head in defeat. "It's like living with a wild animal."

     "But on the bright side, I learned a new spell!" Leo noticed how upset his brother was at all this, so he left the best part of the expedition for the end. Fuegoleon lit up at hearing that Leo had learned a new spell. With perfect timing, Leo's grimoire floated out of his pouch and right into his lap. The two brothers proceeded to examine the spell and secretly thank Mereoleona for giving Leo the chance to grow.

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