Chapter 2 -Crazy, defined-

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The sun was about to set soon before the three decided to part ways. In the end, they were able to convince Hyde to take the job for even just a few days and if he really didn’t want it, he can just quit. They spent all afternoon talking about Hyde’s female version.

     “Well one thing, you definitely can’t go with the name ‘Hyde’.” Ken had mentioned.

     “How about Hideki?” Tetsuya suggested, “It’s not too hard to forget since you’re Hideto.”

     “Y-yeah, good idea…I guess” Hyde agreed.

And they agreed that Hyde had to wear female undergarments, even if it was just a pair of laced shorts and a bra.

     “W-why do I have to wear a bra?!”

     “Shh!” Tetsuya hissed, “Well we can’t let you be seen as a grown woman with a freakishly flat chest!”

     “Ehh…” Hyde groaned.

Being all men, it was strange that they were buying female underwear. Ken had to make an excuse that he was buying it for his wife who asked him to buy her clothes.

     “Pfft! It sounds like you’re buying them for Tetchan.” Hyde said in a low voice.

     “Hey, maybe I should get him a pair of these~” Ken said while raising a padded, lacey, white bra. Tetsu just smacked Ken’s head instead of saying anything, “It was a joke…”


      “Thanks, I can walk home from here.” Hyde said with a bow. They had finished their planning and shopping late in the afternoon and stopped by a coffee shop. Tetsuya and Ken decided it was time to go and although they offered Hyde a ride home, he said he can just walk, “you both have done enough for me, Thank you very much. And besides, my apartment is only a few blocks from here.” He said with a smile.

The two had said goodbye and drove away in Ken’s car and Hyde picked up his bags of female things and walked off. He let himself lost in his thoughts, Aah this is crazy, he thought, should I really do this? Oh I’m so hopeless.

     He took a right turn, Ken and Tetchan bought all these stuff for me, I can’t let it all go to waste, right? I suppose it won’t hurt too much to give it a shot. But it’s quite scary since it’s a big place I definitely won’t be alone! There’ll be other girls…real girls! Oh, they might realize I’m actually a guy, I can’t let that happen…I’ll need to study how girls work. Ah, I sound like such a creep!

     Hyde passed a few blocks, Demo, other than that, it’s the work I should be thinking about. Who knows what I’ll be assigned to do. I don’t mind doing dishes and tidying things won’t be too bad either.

     A left turn and he’s already on his street, But I wonder who my boss will be. Am I supposed to be calling him boss or master? Oh how silly. I’m not even sure if it’s a guy or a girl. Or what he or she would possibly look like. Aah, might be scary! Am I really going to do all thi—

Hyde’s thoughts were cut when he walked into someone going the opposite direction. It was a taller man with light brown hair and from bumping him at the arm like that, there was probably a built body underneath the black, long sleeved polo.

     Hyde quickly turned around, “I’m sorry! I-I wasn’t looking where I w-was going!” He stuttered. The man seemed to not even notice him. He didn’t even look back; he just kept his head down and slowly walked on. Weird, Hyde thought as he turned around to walk off as well. But, he hasn’t taken two steps when he stopped again. The was a loud thumping sound as if something just fell and sure enough, Hyde turned around to see the man he bumped into no longer walking but, lying on the cement. Hyde instantly ran and carelessly dropped his shopping bags before kneeling next to the fallen man who lay face down on the hard cement. He didn’t know the person but he felt scared and worried, “H-hey, mister? Wake up, please!” He squeaked as he tried to shake the man awake. He pushed him around to lie on his back, “Ne, are you alright? Please wake up.” Hyde let out a sigh of relief to see the person before him was alive as he noticed his heavy breathing. Hyde gently moved the man’s long hair off his face and pulled back immediately as soon as his fingertips felt the stranger’s face.

     Hot! A fever? Hyde thought. He looked around; the sun had already set and there was no one in sight, “This place isn’t so popular…and I don’t even have a phone to call for help. I’m so useless…” Hyde sadly told himself. The stranger before him moaned a little and startled Hyde. He placed his hand on the man’s forehead, “You do have a fever,” He said as if the man was listening. Hyde looked at the person’s gentle face and couldn’t help but blush “so handsome…” he whispered, surprising himself.

     Baka! He thought, Now is not the time for this. What should I do?! My apartment isn’t too far from here, maybe I could take him there? Crap I look like I’m abducting this person! Oh, what other choice do I have?!

     “Yosh!” Hyde said, “Don’t worry mister, I’ll do what I can to help you.”


After who knows how long, Hyde finally managed to get the man on his back and carry him, well, more like drag him, to his apartment. The person was taller than Hyde so it looked like this stranger was trying to squish the little brunette. But surprisingly, he was lighter than Hyde had expected. He was, indeed, well built but was actually thin, too thin. And as Hyde half carried-half dragged him, Hyde started to feel strange and could feel his heart beating faster than it was supposed to. The stranger’s heavy breathing at his ear was making Hyde feel uneasy and he started to blush without realizing. It was his first time feeling like this and it made him quite distracted that when he felt the stranger move he got startled.

     “Nnn…” The man groaned. Hyde didn’t know what to do but he kept walking. The man was waking up but he wasn’t getting up, “Where…am I?” he asked.

     “Anoo, on the street? Please don’t get mad mister. I’m only trying to help…” Hyde replied in a nervous tone.

     “Yuki…” the half-asleep stranger whispered.


     “Yuki…hiro, that’s my name”

     “H-hai, Yukihiro-sama.” Hyde repeated as his face started to get red once more. He was thankful his face couldn’t be seen.

     “Arigato~” Yukihiro gently whispered into Hyde’s ear before drifting back to sleep.


Hyde did his best to gently lay Yukihiro onto his bed which pretty much ended up like dropping him but the thin muscular man didn’t show any signs of waking up. He tried to make him comfortable before laying a blanket over him and Hyde scurried to get a cold towel to place over his forehead. The brunette grabbed a chair afterwards and sat next to him.

     “I have a man named Yukihiro on my bed and I cared for him as if I knew him,” he told himself. He looked at the man’s gentle resting face and felt uneasy again. Hyde’s heart started to race once more and he covered his face in embarrassment, “Why am I acting like this?! This must be what it’s like to try nursing someone back to health,” Hyde said, “I wonder if I’ll have to do this for someone in my new job?”

Hyde paused, “….wait, MY STUFF! I left it out on the street!” He immediately stood up and ran to the door, locked it, and ran back outside to the dark and empty street.

Hyde maid-sama~حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن