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October 17.


I've decided that I won't go to school again. The pain is still fresh. I need to take some rest.

Two days since my mom didn't go home.
I want to experience the love of a parent like Joshua. He's so lucky.
His mom just arrived yesterday I'm glad she just called me and didn't come to our house, she will only get worried about seeing me like this. I smirked.


Who must be it? My mom won't press the doorbell, she'll just shout at me.

"Coming." I said softly

When I opened the door I received a tight hug from... From Jielo.

"You didn't come to school again, tell me why. I'm really worried." He whispered at me sadly.

I'm about to push him slowly and explain to him but it made him hug me more.

"Can you give me a moment please? 'cause I missed you." He said it softly while his tears are about to fall.

"I just want a taste of your reality and normalcy, Charm." He said and hug me tightly

*Hugging is over because it makes the author envy *__*

"How did you find me?" I asked.

"I followed my heart." He answered while giving me a glance.

"Seriously?" I smiled.

*He stood up and walked towards me

"This is my second time seeing you smile again." He said it with teary eyes.

"The Google app brought me in here."

"So it wasn't your heart after all." I said sarcastically

"Google won't bring me if I don't want to." He responds smartly

"Yeah Charm, seriously, what happened?"

"Nothing happened."

"Where did you get that dark marks in your body, when nothing happened, huh? Don't lie to me please." He said it with a baby face.

"My mom did these to m--
I didn't finish it because he touches my shoulder with his shocked reaction.

"Charm, I know you didn't do anything wrong. She just hurted you with no reason, right?"

"Noo. I made a mistake since I was born."

"Who told yo--

"My mom herself. While h-hurting me she said that I'M THE SOURCE OF THE PROBLEM SINCE I WAS BORN."

"What kind of mom is sh--

"What kind of daughter I am??

"Charm liste--"

"Stop ACTING that you KNOW my DARKEST life, Jielo." I said it to him coldly.


7...8...9...10 ready or not here I com--

(softly: Dad that's enough)

"What's wrong? Did the Guy just hurt his own family with his word and his hands?"


"I Met You In The Dark And You Came In The Darkest"Where stories live. Discover now