I joined her as I stood against the wooden railing looking at nothing in paticular. Sighing I shook my head .

" I don't know, I just I don't see a ..

I trailed of as the words caught in my throat. I felt guilty for even thinking them.

" a place for yourself here? "

My eyes shot to sarahs as she held a look of understanding in her blue orbs. My mouth slightly parted in shock as I gently nodded my head.

"Its ok jackson, I felt the same way when I came back, I didn't know what normal life was anymore years of being locked up will do that to you "

I bowed my head in shame I had no right to feel this way after what she had endured. I couldn't even begin to imagine what hell she had suffered through. Yet she made it seem so easy to just fit in.

" ooo no you don't I might of been locked in an actual cell, but you were just as much imprisoned as I was jackson. Look at me ...

I dont know how she did it , she always knew what to say what I was thinking she was a true lunar. Pure hearted with so much love and kindness to give. Understanding and fair. I hesitantly lifted my gaze to hers as she gently grasped my hand.

" Me and your father know your confused and afraid about who you are and where to go from here, I have no doubt in my mind that you are going to be a wonderful man. However we understand you have to figure out who you are now. That's a journey only you can take. Please just know we are so proud of you Jackson"

" how do you know? ..

She raised a questioning eyebrow at my question forcing me to mumble like a a child.

"That I will be a good man "

She gently reached up to my face looking at me lovingly the way a mother would her own pup.

" because you already are ,you just haven't realised it yet"

"What am I supposed to do now sarah?"

She moved away from me and gestured for me to follow her. She lead me through to my father's office not bothering to knock as she waltz right in. My father was alone just sitting back in his chair as if he was waiting for us. I eyed them both suspiciously as Sarah sat beside my fsther. A pleasant smile graced his face as he looked at me.

" sit down son "

As soon as I was comfortable my father began to speak. My gaze never leaving his.

"You need to leave"

My face fell  the first thought in my mind was that he didn't want me anymore. Sarah quickly slapped his arm causing him to frown as she gave him a stern look . Realisation seemed to hit him as he began to fall over his words.

" no thats not what I meant, I know your not happy and we can't bare to see you torture yourself anymore. You have suffered enough. We love you Jackson all we want is what's best for you .You need to go and see her"

My heart clench as I thought about her, of course she had been on mind everyday since I woke up but I couldnt bring myself to ask about her. I didn't deserve to know how she was.

"I can't..

" yes you can and your going to, she needs you Jackson"

I looked at them with absolute disbelief what could she possibly need from me, all she needed was for me to leave her alone. She didn't need my face to remind her of the life she once lived.

"Why would you say that? After everything you know I put her through"

"Son listen to me, beta colby called this morning she is killing herself there at a loss on what to do. I'm not saying it will work but all I know is your both struggling with change maybe just maybe this will help you both, king Rowen and colby think this is a good idea."

My disbelief quickly turned to worry,  I thought she would be happy now I
preyed she was. Sarah cut of my turbulent thoughts with her gentle tone.

" Jackson would you have ever chosen  to hurt her ? "

"Of course not!"

I all but stammered out.

"Then I can guarantee she has already forgiven you, regardless of that. Wouldn't you want to at least try and help her? If there was even a slight chance you could?"

Without hesitation I nodded, I was to overwhelmed with everything to respond. I never thought I'd see her again. Then Sarah unttered the words to confirm I would.

"Then you leave tonight, the royal pack are expecting you"

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