Chapter Seven

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Five months later...

Kris, Marcus, and my few other friends decided to take a trip down south. Our summer break had just started and all of us wanted to relax. So we decided to go to the beach. Since Emma was also on her break, my parents insisted on her coming with us. They thought it would be good for both of us to get out there and enjoy it. I asked my friends about it and all of them were pretty cool with it. So Emma also tagged along. It was a simple 3 nights, 4 days trip. We were a total of eight people, so we decided to take two cars. I don't know how, but somehow Kris had managed to convince her dad to let her borrow his black Mercedes Benz. Kris loved driving and Emma loved her car. Hence it was decided that I will be going with both of them in her car. James also joined us. A few hours later, our cars left the highway and the roads twisted and turned. Soon I could see tall palm trees on the sides of the road. I opened the window a little to feel the breeze. The sudden gust of fresh air by the small opening from the top of the car window made a loud howling sound. Such a sound could have easily been mistaken for that of ghosts and spirits lurking nearby if you did believe in them.

After a five-hour-long drive, we finally reached our destination. As soon as I got down, I could see a meticulously restored colonial-era century bungalow. It was white in color. When I entered inside, I could see a beautiful living room. The structure of the bungalow looked archaic but it was completely modern from inside. With marbled flooring and a high beamed wood ceiling roof, the entire space was just perfect. I explored the beautiful space by visiting random rooms and corridors. The bathrooms had a small jacuzzi inside. All my friends unpacked and we split the three rooms amongst ourselves. Kris, Emm, and I got the room on the ground floor. All my other friends took the two room's on the first floor. Marcus and James were going to be sharing one of those. All of us decided to hit the beach that was right opposite where we stayed. We swam, played in the sand, and enjoyed the serene landscape which lay before us. Everyone decided to play beach volleyball and I also joined in. Despite being horrible at it, I played and enjoyed every moment of it. The next two days were full of fun.

Before we knew it, it was our last night. We were looking at the evening crimson-colored sky that was getting darker and darker. It felt as if the seawater was diluting its every shade. Within minutes the sun had set and the bright red sky had magically transformed into a deep shade of black with hundreds of stars twinkling in the sky. Later, while the others were enjoying their drinks, Marcus and I decided to take a walk on the beach. The breeze was cool and the water looked pristine.

Looking at me, he asked, "So, how have the last two days been for you?"

"Amazing! I love where we stay and I love this location even more."

"I know. It's unbelievable that we found such an amazing place to stay on Air B&B."

Suddenly rubbing his hands on his arms, he said, "It's cool, isn't it?"

I laughed a bit. "Yeah but I like it. It feels so good."

"Says the person in a hoodie and a jacket while I am in shorts and a thin T-shirt."

Teasingly I told him, "I said I like it. I never denied that it's not cool!"

"Very funny." Both of us were laughing by the end of it.

Gently yet suddenly he grabbed my arm and then blushed. I was startled for sure but I didn't dislike it. On the contrary, it felt nice. For the next few minutes, no one uttered a sound. Instead, we enjoyed the moment. We enjoyed the pristine water, the serene landscape, and the cool air. I also enjoyed the little warmth that his hand gave mine.

In the last five months, we hung out almost every day. Chilling with our friends or last-minute cramming sessions before exams, we did everything. Kris often joined us but both of us had become really good friends. We had some similar interests but there were somethings that I hated and he loved. It was applicable vice versa too but most importantly as a person, he made me feel safe. In many ways, Marcus was very respectable and sensitive. He was someone I could confide in about my deepest worries and anxieties. I also was a person he could confide his worries to. Sometime back he also asked me about why I didn't drive or why I always sat on the backseat. So I told him how I got in a horrible accident and how I almost died. I told him the horrible pain I suffered through and how difficult it was to recover. He was shocked and worried but happy at the same time. Happy about how I had lived through all of it and had emerged victorious.

After a few minutes, he said, "Should we go back?"

With a small smile, I replied, "Maybe a few minutes later. Anyways they all are drinking and as you know I can't drink. Are you cold?"

"A bit but..." While he was saying this, he freed his arm from mine and then put his arm on my shoulder. Giving me a sort of a side hug, he continued "but... this is better."

Both of us giggled and blushed and then continued walking. There was no cringy confession and no explanations necessary. Both of us knew what the other wanted. That day we s

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