Chapter 3

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“We’re home~!!!”

After spending the night at Tokyo because of their interview, the members of Quartet Night finally arrived back at the Master Course dormitory.

“Would you pipe it down Reiji?! Geez, we should have just left you.” Ranmaru stated. The interview had already been a pain in the ass for him and the burst of sunshine and lollipops, aka Reiji, wasn’t helping with the migraine the silver-haired sempai gained during their way back.

“Eh? But RanRan, aren’t you happy to be home?” Reiji asked, his energy never fading.

“I would be if you weren’t so damn annoying…” the rocker grumbled as he rubbed his forehead. Seriously, was it too much for the brunet to keep his mouth shut even for a moment?

“Kurosaki, Kotobuki, quit your bickering!” the count, Camus, demanded.

“Tch. Well sorry earl-sama.” Ranmaru mocked. “I’m heading to my room.”

“RanRan’s such a sourpuss! Right AiAi?” the brunet cooed, hoping to get something out of the emotionless teen.

The cyan-haired sempai ignored Reiji and went to his room together with Camus, thus leaving the eldest of the sempais alone.

“Wah! Why is everyone leaving me???” Reiji sulked but quickly got back on his feet. Like the rest of the Quartet Night, the brown-haired man went to his room he shared with his two beloved kouhais.

“Otoyan! Toki! I’m back~!” Reiji sang as he swung open the door.

“Ah, Kotobuki-sempai! Welcome home!” Tokiya exclaimed happily.

“Nice to have you back, Rei-chan.” Otoya added.

This was the part where Reiji was confused. He had never seen Tokiya so enthusiastic let alone greeted him with a grin, and he never saw Otoya played darts before. What the heck was going on?

“Eh~? Did something happen while we were away?” Reiji asked. His two kouhais almost simultaneously shook their heads which was quite odd.

“Nope! Everything’s good! Nothing to worry about!” Tokiya replied, looking nervous for a while. Otoya threw a knowing look to the dark-haired teen before turning to his sempai.

“You’re probably just tired. Why don’t you take some rest, Rei-chan?” Otoya suggested and casually gave a wink.

“Y-Yeah you’re right Otoyan!” Reiji exclaimed. Since when did his sweet little Otoyan acted so flirtatiously?

Deciding to let it slide, Reiji went to bed and closed his grey eyes.

But not before receiving multiple text messages from a distress Ranmaru.


Ranmaru couldn’t have been happier to get away from the group ESPECIALLY from Reiji. Camus would have been tolerable if not for the fact that they both hated each other, and Ai didn’t really seem to give a damn.

Sometimes, Ranmaru wondered why and how he ended up in a freak show.

It wasn’t that he hated them much. There were times where he didn’t mind their company especially Ai’s since the rocker considered him the sanest. Unfortunately, this wasn’t one of those times; Ranmaru just wanted to get away from them. His freedom from his groupmates was short-lived though because upon arriving at his room, he remembered that he was the sempai of two members of Starish.

‘So much for some alone time.’ Ranmaru thought. With a deep sigh, the rocker opened the door – only to be greeted in a very unexpected fashion.

“OHAYO~! Welcome back Ranmaru-sempai!!!” Masato exclaimed oh-so cheerfully that it scared the hell out of Ranmaru.

“Sempai, you’re back! How was the trip?” Ren asked while flashing a smile that was almost too sincere for a Casanova like him.

‘The fuck!?’ the rocker thought in bewilderment as he looked from Ren to Masato and back. His kouhais’ smiles were so bright that looking at the sun didn’t seem like much of a hazard anymore. Why were his kouhais acting like complete weirdos? What was with their bizzare welcome-wagon? They must’ve eaten something bad, or maybe they were cursed? His mind strained to get some order; unfortunately it didn’t.

Lost for words, Ranmaru slowly backed away before completely dashing out of the room.

‘Have they lost their minds!?’ the silver-haired sempai thought as he sent several SOS messages to the – unfortunately – first person to come to his aid: Reiji.


According to Ai’s data, his two kouhais should be in their shared room. He expected, as soon as he entered the room, Natsuki to hug him for exactly 5.56 seconds (Ai allowed him to, because the taller blonde’s hugs were surprisingly nice) and Syo to laze around (Maybe he should add more to his schedule) therefore it served as a big surprise when he saw his kouhais…well-behaved.

Upon recognizing Ai’s presence, Syo halted his calligraphy and bowed politely.

“Welcome back Mikaze-sempai.” The shorter blonde greeted before going back to his previous activity.

Ai was stunned – this was not something he experienced every day. He scanned the room to find his other kouhai reading silently. Natsuki acknowledged his presence with a nod and continued to read. The cyanette was also surprised to find Natsuki’s bed clean and Piyo-free.

‘I don’t know how to react to this.” The youngest sempai thought as he made his way to his PC.


Cecil was walking towards his shared room with Ren – or should he say Otoya – when he overheard Starish’s two sempais talking.

“I swear they’re up to something!” Ranmaru exclaimed.

“Maybe Shining-san told them to act like such.” Reiji tried to reason.

“Well that’s one fucked up idea!”

Cecil sighed. So much for acting natural.


Hello everyone! Chapter 3 finally out! Hehe...I just want to clarify that in other characters' point of view, they see Starish as who they are physically eg. QN sees Natsuki as Natsuki even though he's actually Tokiya :3 When the point of view is given to Starish, they are who they are. Hope I cleared some things out ^^ ...or did I just add to the confusion? Haha oh well :p

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