Chapter 6

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“Ne, Ren?”

“Hmm? What is it?”

“Why are we the ones asking???”

After their agreement of regrouping temporarily, two members of Starish – namely Otoya and Ren – were found walking towards their senoirs’ rooms. The group volunteered them to be the ones to ask permission from their seniors because,

‘You and Kotobuki-san get along better and he loves to spoil you. Plus, it would be unusual if I were to approach him since I rarely do that.’ Tokiya reasoned out.

‘Considering how Natsuki acted as me, I doubt Kurosaki-sempai would like to see my face.’ Masato stated. ‘So you go Jinguji.’

“They do have a point though.” Ren thought aloud as he recalled what Tokiya and Masato said.

“What about Syo and Natsuki? Aren’t they going to ask permission from Mikaze-sempai?” Otoya asked.

“According to Hijirikawa, Ai-chan gave them a day off from their schedule since they’ve accomplished everything precisely and without complaint.” Ren replied. “As expected of him and Ichi.”

“Heh, it was actually pretty funny how Syo reacted to that!” the guitarist exclaimed with a grin.

‘NANI!? What do you mean he gave you a day off!?’ Syo practically shouted this. ‘That’s….that’s IMPOSSIBLE! This must be some kind of trick! Dammit! S-Stop joking guys!’

‘But it’s true. Mikaze-sempai said we deserved it.’ Masato interjected.

‘And do you really think we’re the type to fool around?’ Tokiya added.

‘…..I never experienced getting a day off from him.’ Syo sulked.

‘And probably never will.’ Cecil murmured, which did not go unnoticed by the shorter blonde.

‘Bastard! I heard that!’

“Ah yes. Ochibi-san’s face was priceless!” Ren chuckled at the memory.

The two stopped their tracks upon arriving at Otoya, Tokiya, and Reiji’s room.

“Well we’re here! I hope Rei-chan will agree to this…” Otoya said, slightly concerned.

“Didn’t Ichi say that Rei-chan loves to spoil you? I’m sure your sempai will agree without batting an eye.” The saxophonist assured with a wink as he grabbed the door knob. “If that doesn’t work, I can always charm him. Good luck with Ran-chan though.”

Ren entered his temporary room and was surprised to find the usually hyper sempai whimpering under the covers of his bed.

“Hmm? Rei-chan, are you alright?” Ren asked as he approached the bed.

“Otoyan? Thank goodness! Yes~ I’m okay! Just a little cold.” Reiji exclaimed.

The real reason why the brunet was hiding under the covers was because he thought Ai wasn’t satisfied with his revenge and came back to torture him some more. Therefore Reiji was relieved to know that it was just his Otoya – who was acting strangely the other day but at least the red-head didn’t beat him up, right?

“Is there anything you need?” the clown sempai asked, peeking at his kouhai who sat at his bed.

“Well, I just wanted to ask if Starish can regroup? I mean, it’s just for a short while…maybe even just for the day. We just want to get to know each other better.” Ren replied, trying his best to sound Otoya-ish.

The Switch (An UtaPri Fanfic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant