Please don't be any rumors please. I went on with class praying there won't be any weird rumors. I was taking out my lunch until I heard my name.

"Miko-chan Ishigami is here!" Osaragi said out loud.

"Hey wanna eat lunch together in the council room?" Ishigami said with his normal dense face.

"S-Sure" I get up with my lunch and walk towards the door.

My face felt hot and I could feel the piercing look everyone was giving. The ferocious aura.

"Come on no one else is in the council room" He said. I started blushing and walked behind him.

Everyone watching, I couldn't take it. I grabbed onto Ishigami's sleeve to stop him.

"Everyone is looking..." I said nervously.

"Let them look" He said. "Let them think what they think they are all idiots"

He never cares about what anyone thought. I usually was confident but I don't know what happened. I couldn't breathe. No not again. I was having a panic attack.

"MIKO!" Osaragi came to my side.

"Iino?!" Ishigami came next to me. "What is happening?!" He asked.

"She is having a panic attack!" I fell to the ground and everyone was watching and calling for the school nurse. "Its been happening a lot and we don't have her cat plush to help!" Osaragi panicked.

"Cat plush?!" Ishigami questioned.

"She usually holds it close snd falls to sleep right after!" Osaragi trying to help me.

Memories flooded my head.

"Aren't you cute~"

"You are gonna be fun~"

"Hurry before someone hears"

"I am going to mark you as ours~"


"NOOOO!" I started kicking and grasping my head. "No don't touch me!" I was crying.

"IINO" Ishigami held me close.

"Let me go!" I didn't know what I was doing.

I was reliving the moment again. I wanted to die. I felt nasty. I felt Ishigami's chest. His hand on my head. *Budump budump budump* I could hear his heart, it was soothing. I remember Ishigami. The guys I slowly caught feelings for saving me. I grasped his shirt and buried my face in his chest.

"Iino..." He said. The nurse came and everyone was worried. They saw how he took care of me.

I could see them. Ishigami's hands were soft. He was warm and comforting. He smelled good. Kind of like...home. Not home where you live but a place where you can feel safe and calm. A place where you go for sanctuary, a place where you want to stay forever. I soon fell asleep cradled like a baby in his arms. I woke up in the infirmary. I saw Ishigami's bag and my bag on the table. Ishigami sleeping on the side of the bed like I did for him. We can't last a month without having hospital or infirmary visits huh?

"Ishigami" I poked him.

"Hm?" He groaned. "Iino?!" He got up quickly and hugged me.

"What are you doing here tou have class!" I yelled. "Don't use me as an excuse" I said.

"I just wanted to know if you are ok" He gloomed.

"Kidding" I said. "Its just panic attacks and nightmares its no big deal. My panic attacks usually stop after a while and my cat you gave me helps it for some reason" I blushed.

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