c h a n g e s💃🏾🚶🏾

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* the next morning at Quavo & y/n's mansion*

Quavo wakes up realizing y/n isn't in bed with him

Quavo: *confused look* where the fuck is y/n

I then headed downstairs *yells* Y/N, Y/N where you at? I searched the entire house but there was no response so I decided to call her phone

*y/n's phone rings*
| voicemail |
* hey it's y/n leave a message & I'll get back with you if I can bye*

Quavo: *hangs up phone*

I went outside & noticed that one of her cars had still been parked near the garages, so I went back into the house and found y/n in the living room on the couch.

Quavo: what the fuck y/n where were you last night after we went to bed?

y/n: oh so now you're worried about me Quavious?

Quavo: the fuck you talking about y/n?

y/n: don't act like you don't  know that we have a guest house, I guess since now you wanna worry about where I went last night I was here, just not in bed with you after you joined me in the shower.

Quavo: a nigga saw that for himself soon as I woke up this morning y/n what's going on with you, why the hell you acting so different?


Quavo: stop fucking with a young rich nigga ion know what you talking about

y/n: this, this is exactly what I'm talking about you're using your career and image for bait as an excuse for you to get by when you're probably out there doing something else?

Quavo: the fuck? Out there doing what? What else would I possibly be doing besides touring, doing this rap and Migos thang, I'm doing you and Lai'annya a favor

y/n: don't you put our daughter into this shit Quavious, we got all this money & shit but it looks like your ego is too far up your ass again

Quavo: I think I know what this is about again, what you think I'm cheating, you think I'm messing around with you

y/n: *says nothing*

Quavo: yeah that's what I thought you not always with me to see what I'm doing, or who I always work with business is business, thought you would've known that shit by now since we in the same industry

y/n: you right, but just cause we're in the same industry doesn't mean we on the same level nigga, don't you know it's levels to this shit.

Quavo: I don't have time for this shit, the car is outside with Offset & Takeoff  we got some Migos studio & music stuff to take care of.

- Quavo then walked out the house and left with Offset & Takeoff, while I just stayed home contemplating on where to go from here because now our marriage seems to be in a crisis-

* Meanwhile Migos on the road*

offset: you good cuz

In love with a gangsta Quavo Book I & IIWhere stories live. Discover now