SHe stood more than an inch shorter than me but I wasn't peering over her as she stepped closer, bringing her face inches from mine. SHe bares her teeth as she speaks, 'or what, whore?'

I run every possible scenario through my head as I ponder her question, what will I do? I could put her down like i did her brother but that didn't seem like the best idea given the rants that bought me from Maia and Kaleb. I doubt Kaleb would be particularly happy if I broke his pretty little girlfriend. I almost laugh at the thought.

I'm supposed to be convincing myself not to hurt her, yikes.

Not breaking eye contact, I grabbed the hand she gripped my arm with. Her grip loosened as I tightened my own and I could see the panic in her eyes as I twisted it, hard, behind her back. I slam her face first into the lockers, tightening my grip on her twisted arm as I speak over her cries, 'Touch me again' I start in a threatening whisper, 'You'll have much bigger problems than a twisted wrist,' I tighten my grip even further, 'Is that clear, Little girl?'

I let her go in a jolt, pushing her into the lockers further as I took a step back. I picked up my bag, which had fallen to the ground in the chaos. With one final smile I walked away, heading towards the car where Maia stood, no doubt annoyed at how late I was.

Daria doesn't follow, a part of me expected her to, maybe even want her to, but she didn't.

Maia eyes me strangely the entire car ride home, as if ponder whether or not she should ask a question. SHe knew something was off, i could tell. This meant that the entire car ride, on my behalf, was spent trying to figure out what I'd say if she asked.

Her and Kaleb had made it very clear not to interact with them and what did I do? I interacter, very physically actually. In my defense it was her fault but is that how they would look at it? Who knows.

Finally, Maia speaks up, 'Did something happen that I don't know about?'

Many Maia, love, you might want to be specific. I thought to myself tiredly. I don't say that, it's not her fault her brother and friends are assholes.

I'm particularly proud of it, but I settle with a simple, 'Nope' Giving her a confident, hopefully, smile. She didn't need me worrying her with that drama, she seemed like she had enough going on and even if she did know, I doubted there was much she could do about it. So, I settle with a lie, hoping she leaves it at that.

She doesn't look too convinced with my answer but my prayers are answered and she drops it. I felt bad for lying to her, I did. It just seemed like the right way to go, even if I probably regret it in the near future.

Maia pulls up into her driveway and I thank the ever loving Gods that the spot where Kaleb's car usually sat was empty. My shoulders sag, as if some sort of heavy weight was lifted.

'Do you wanna watch a movie or something?' Maia asked me, leaning over her car, her hair was tied in a similar style to my own, with wisps of blonde hair framing her naturally clear skin. This girl has gotta teach me her skincare routine.

'Sure' I say, knowing in about an hour I would be sitting in a puddle of my own tears at whatever movie she forced me to watch.

Unlike the last time, we don't huddle into my small family room, instead we're sitting in the Bardin household, with a bowl of readymade popcorn separating us on their brown leather sofa.

The house was empty, bar the two of us and I couldn't help but wonder where her parents were. In the two and a half weeks I'd lived here I had yet to catch even a glimpse of their father, it was weird. That first night, she mentioned he was home as if it was some sort of miracle. Maybe he worked in another state or something?

I contemplated asking her but thought against it, it seemed rude.

As expected, she had put a silly romance movie on, 'Love, Rosie' this time. She amy or may not be converting me to a romance fan, but that wasn't something I would ever admit to her. She wouldn't let me live it down.

The sound of the front door open and closing with a bang sends a shiver through my body. Kaleb's home, I thought sarcastically, rolling my eyes.

'He sounds happy' I snort at her words, as his footsteps stomp up the stairs. The sound of another door slamming echoes through the practically empty house, 'real happy.' I respond.

About an hour passed, we were still watching the movie. We sat in a comfortable silence as Maia's sniffling began, 'No,' I said, pointing at her, 'Don't start,' I stared at her in fake anger, 'You know if you start crying, I'll start crying and It is really not healthy to be crying this much.'

She laughs at me, still sniffling with tears in her eyes. The main characters of the movie were arguing at this point and even I'd admit it's sad but not really cry worthy. It had nothing on the first movie she made me watch. I laugh at the thought.

What says friendship building more than crying over a sad movie?

Maybe I should introduce her to hiking.

Footstep thud down the stairs about ten minutes later and the door into the living room swings open, 'What part of stay away from anybody with the last name Sanderson wasn't clear to you?' He stands in front of the TV glaring at me while scolding me like a child.

I can feel Maia's intense stare in the side of my head. I grab the bowl of popcorn into my lap, taking some in my hand and placing it all in my mouth. With a hand gesture, I signal for him to move away from the TV 'Your fat ass is in the way.' I joke over the mouthful of popcorn.

He snatches the bowl of popcorn out of my hands, ignoring my whines in protest, 'What the hell is wrong with you?'

I sigh, 'okay, I'll bite' I start, pursing my lips, tilting my head slightly, 'What do you think happened?'

He places the bowl of popcorn on the table to his right, sitting on the one behind him, still facing me, 'You hit Daria' He said, eyes focused on my own.

I shrug, 'I mean, technically, hit isn't correct, it was more of a twist' I do a twisting motion with my hand, 'She deserved it anyways.'

'Not according to her,' I furrow my brows at his words, 'Apparently, you approached her in the hallway on your way out and started calling her some bullshit names, then when she tried to get away, you grabbed her.'

I stare at him blankly, blinking a few times, 'I don't even know what to say to that.'

His anger only increased with the carelessness of my words, 'What were you thinking?'

'Wait, wait' I stop with humour laced throughout my words, sitting forward slightly, 'You actually believe that bullshit?'

He looked at me exasperatingly, 'Please enlighten me' I narrow my eyes at his condescending tone.

'You're not gonna believe a word I say are you?' I counteract, 'You've already made up your mind that your pretty little girlfriend is this damsel in distress right?'

He looked lost for words, his eyes still hard, I leaned in closer to him as I stood up, 'Rot in hell, asshole, please, do us all a favour and take that blonde bitch with you.' I stand to my full height and with a smile, I turn to Maia, 'We can finish the movie tomorrow, if you want?'

I don't wait for a reply as I pick up my bag from beside the sofa and storm out of the house, careful not to slam the door.

The goddamn nerve of that jerk.

Screw. Him.

~~❤Word Count = 2029❤~~ 

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