8: 𝐄𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬!😂/ 𝐃𝐲𝐬𝐨𝐧.

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HEY YALL! I feel like I'm going to enjoy writing this chapter!😂
Basically, Zane and David Bowie get totally HAMMERED in this chapter😂😂😂



As she reached up to the tallest cupboard in the entire kitchen, Mia attempted to grab the small box of Digestives, when suddenly, she fell backwards, head pouncing lightly off a counter behind her.


Becoming lightheaded, Mia tried to latch onto the counter, before letting go and slumping onto the ground.

Hurried footsteps rushed over to her limp body.

"Uh... Should I get a book on how to treat knocked out kids?" An unfamilar voice sarcastically asked.

David shrugged Zane's comment off, swiping his hand underneath Mias head, as a small amount of blood spilled onto his hand, drying onto her hair.

"Zane. Get the First-Aid kit, it's in the drawer beside my bed." David Bowie muttered, concern flooding his body as his heart leapt into his throat.

As Zane shrugged and rushed out of the kitchen, David placed his arms under Mias back and pulled her up, into his arms.
He carried her over to the L shaped couch, Zane had been there just under 5 minutes and there was already an accident in the kitchen.
Expect, it wasn't David or Zane hammered, falling over anything and everything.

Zane walked back into the room, carrying a large red- First Aid box.

Some concern cleared from David's head, as he grabbed the First-Aid kit and opened it, staring at the small wound on the back of Mias head.
Luckily, it wasn't anything serious.
Just a scratch.
Thank God.

David did admittedly have a slight problem when there was a little... too... much blood in the scene.
Though he didn't have a problem with scenes.

Mia woke up slightly, more groggy than expected.

She tried to sit up and explain herself to David, but he shushed her, laying her head back against the pillow, as she rolled onto her side.

Bowie knelt down beside the sofa, lifting an anaesthetic wipe, to clean away the blood on the back of her head.
While asleep, Mia shook nervously, whispering words, fear swept over her.

"Nnnno.. Dad.. pl-please, no! Not the belt.. please"

Confusion struck David entirely.

Not the belt?

As Mia settled down, David did too.
He was still completely dumbfounded but shrugged it off for now.
He would ask later.

Bowie continued to cease the blood.
As he stopped wiping the blood on her neck and threw the wipes further, Zane stood at the complete other side of the room, ignoring the blood.

"Is the damned thing over yet?" Zane whisper-shouted, fidgeting with the sleeves of her shirt.

"Is the damned thing over yet?" Zane whisper-shouted, fidgeting with the sleeves of her shirt

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