Chapter 1

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Before the story could start... I want you all to know this is originally written by crazydramatist I have the permission to make it into a bts ff...also there is a change in the charecters list...
This story is inspired from the Harry potter series.
If you are interested to come to the direct story... You can directly read from Chapter 3
I hope you like it!

Author ' s POV :

Aunt: " Y/N! Why didn't you cook yet! I am hungry! You lazy lump! You did not wash the utensils as well! "

Y/N: " I am doing it! "

( Y/N : hey you! 😠😠😠
Author : me? 😯😯😯
Y/N : Yes! the godamn story did not start yet and you are making me do home chores already! And what's with this bossy evil aunt huh? 😠😠😠
Author : Excuse me! I am your creator don't talk to me like that! 😑😑😑
Y/N : I don't care! 😠😠😠
Author : continue your work! Get going already! 😑😑😑
Y/N : aaahh! I will deal with you later!😑😑😑
Author : aish! This girl!😐😐😐)

After Y/N was done with all her work she decided to go to the forest which she always did in her free time.


I was really young when I lost my parents like 6. I don't know what actually happened... I know it was not an accident but from then I live here alone with a bossy evil aunt and my friends! I don't know how can I speak to animals...they are not like pets to me... They are my family. I mean I don't actually speak to them... I understand them! I think it's maybe because they are the only onse I have! I don't think I like to get along with people anymore!

I was lost in my thoughts when suddenly someone tried to scare me!

Y/N: Tika! This is useless! You do it every time! Where is everyone else!

(Note: all animals are speaking in their own animal voices but what they mean is what you read)

Tika: Y/N! Today it's the day! Everyone else are near the cave! Come on!

Meet Tika! She is a baby elephant! She lives with her Mom and is my friend from the day I found her injured... She is really naughty!

Tika: For the special day... Everyone has gathered here!

Y/N: What day?

Tika: It's your B-Day! Don't tell me you forgot!

Y/N: Oh! What is the use?

We walk to the cave.

Everyone were waiting there for us. There was Ena- a deer, peka- a raccoon, Roku- a peacock, rabbits and birds but not to forget Akira - cheeta. Akira is very caring and takes care of all of us.

Akira: Happy Birthday dear!

Y/N: Thank you! The cave looks beautiful!

Y/N: Thank you! The cave looks beautiful!

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Ena: B-Day special!

Roku: Just like me!

Peka: This proud peacock is never gonna change!

Everyone laughs

Author POV :

Everyone were enjoying when a mysterious rabbit approached Y/N. It had a different shine or glow. It turned into a person and everyone were shocked by his sudden appearance!

Person: Y/N?

Y/N: Who are you? How do you know me?

Person: This is for you from our Deen.

He hands her a message like note which said...

To be continued....

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