"Great! See you guys after school." Marcus left.

"I'll be right back." Harley mumbles, pecking Chase's left before following after her brother. "Marcus! Hey, Marcus!"

"Harley? Why aren't you with them? They're gonna get suspicious."

"Why are you here, Marcus? I have everything under control."

"Dad thinks you're taking forever with your mission. He is starting to think you're going to back out. Is it true? Did you do the one thing you weren't supposed to do?"

Harley sighs. "You cannot tell Dad, all right? I didn't mean for this to happen. I never expected to fall for him." She looks back at Marcus and she saw the sympathy in his eyes.

"Listen, you and I both know we can't stop Dad with his revenge plan. But, if you are backing out, you need to tell Chase the truth before he finds out on his own. Dad may have involved me, but I don't want you hurt in the process. You are my sister. I know you truly love Chase and I'm glad that you're happy with him, but he's gonna find out the truth eventually. It's better if he hears it from you."

"Marcus –"

"I won't tell Dad. I can promise you that. Only if you promise me you'll be safe in the end."

"I promise."


Harley walks into the Davenport home to see Marcus, Adam, and Chase playing. She shut the door and noticed her best friend hiding behind the plant to spy on Marcus. Walking over to Chase, she wraps her arms around his torso.

"Well, it's only our first day, but you guys sound great. I think you both have real raw talent." Marcus says.

"Well, if our raw talent is raw, then we better get cooking!" Adam says, making a beat with the drums.

"Leo, what are you doing?" Chase asks, spotting him behind Marcus.

"Just asking Marcus a few questions. Where were you born? When's your birthday? Who's the president of Venezuela?" Leo asks, receiving confused looks from the others.

"I don't know." Marcus shrugs.

"Aha! So he's not from Venezuela!" Leo says.

"Okay, that's it! This practice just became members only." Chase says. "But Harley can stay because she's my girlfriend and she's beautiful to stare at."

Harley smiles and kisses her boyfriend on the cheek.

"Well, then I guess I'm in the band," Leo says, staring down Marcus.

"Leo, you don't even play an instrument," Chase says.

"That's where you're wrong," Leo says, trying the tambourine, the washboard, the maracas, the accordion, and the big wooden bass.

"As I said, you don't even know how to play an instrument," Chase repeats.

"You know what guys, let him in! He can play this!" Marcus grabs a cowbell off the couch. He holds it out to Leo, who takes it and Marcus backs away.

"Thank you. I've never played the cowbell before, but let's see what I got." Leo hit the cowbell. "Wow! I'm a natural!"

Harley moves to the couch so that they could start playing before Davenport enters and turns off the AMP.

"Hey! You know, it's not enough to just play notes, you want to get them in the right order." Davenport tells the boys.

"O-M-G, you're... Donald Davenport!" Marcus exclaims and Harley rolls her eyes.

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