Always and Forever

Start from the beginning

"Ready baby?" Derek asked.

"I am," Spencer replied.

By the time they were back in the living room, everyone except Rossi had gone to the altar. The older man looked up when the door opened, smiling warmly at Spencer and Derek.

"Come on, let me walk the two of you to the ceremony," Rossi said, holding the front door open for them. The men followed Rossi out the door and down the dirt path.

"Are you two sure you're ready for this? Marriage is a big deal," Rossi asked.

"So big you did it three times?" Derek joked. Rossi laughed at that.

"I made many mistakes throughout my marriages, mistakes that caused a lot of pain for everyone involved. You two are like sons to me, I don't want you to go through what I did."

"You don't have to worry about us. We're ready for this," Derek said, taking Spencer's hand in his.

"Yes. We are," Spencer agreed.

Rossi couldn't help but smile at the two of them. Their love was beautiful and infectious. They reminded him of how he and Carolyn were on their wedding day. He just hoped that these young men that he cared for so much would be better at married life than he was.

"This is probably a good time to give you the other half of your wedding gift," Rossi said. Derek looked at Reid, confused as he had not been around for the first half. "After your three days in Boston I'm sending you two and Kate on a trip to Italy."

"Rossi are you serious?" Derek asked.

"As the plague. You two work so hard, you deserve a break."

"Dave we couldn't-"

"I'm not hearing it," Rossi said, holding his hand up to silence Spencer. "This is as much for Kate as it is for you. You do want to educate her about different cultures while she's young, don't you?"

Spencer couldn't argue with that. He would be uncomfortable accepting an all expenses paid trip to Europe for himself, but for Kate? Yeah, he could deal with his discomfort for Kate's sake. She'd never been out of the country before and Spencer couldn't deny her this experience.

"Well damn. Thank you Rossi." Derek clapped the eldest man on the back.

"I love you guys, and I hope you'll be happy together," Rossi said.

"We already are," Spencer said, looking at Derek once again.

Spencer's heart rate picked up as they approached the courtyard. He could see the guests mingling amongst themselves, waiting for the ceremony to begin. Kate was standing with Garcia, JJ, Emily and Jack at the end of the aisle farthest from the altar. Hotch, who had been ordained specifically so he could officiate the wedding, was next to the altar talking with Spencer and Derek's mothers. Rossi left them and went to Hotch to tell him that everyone was ready.

"Alright everyone, please take your seats," Hotch called over the buzzing of the crowd. Once they were all settled down, he nodded to the pianist who started playing "Clair de Lune".

Garcia and Prentiss went first, arms linked together. Then JJ, and finally Kate and Jack hand in hand, scattering cherry blossom petals along the aisle. Spencer was distracted momentarily as he watched Kate. She was having the time of her life, strutting around in her white ball gown that was twice the size of the one she wore last night. Spencer had never wanted to enforce gender roles on her, and always let her pick her own clothes. He could tell even from a young age however that she was a total girly girl. She loved pink and purple and dresses and skirts and all things glittery.

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