Chapter VI

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After the Battle of Muunilinst, Vres and Mordecai along with a detachment of the 75th Ranger Legion made haste to Hypori to rescue the Jedi from the mysterious Droid General. On board an LAAT Gunship, Vres's forces followed the ARC Troopers into a factory. As Captain Fordo sent a few ARC Troopers to look for survivors, Vres and her forces soon spotted a large Droid General engaging in with Jedi Master Ki-Adi Mundi in a grueling Lightsaber fight. 

Meteor: Look at size of the Clanker!

Drac: I think he likes you. 

The ARC Troopers and the Clone Rangers began firing on the Droid General. He retreated into the wreckage while dodging blaster fire. Vres and Mordecai attended to Mundi.

Vres: Master Mundi! Are you all right?

Ki-Adi Mundi: We must destroy Grievous! We cannot allow him to escape!

Aegis: All right Rangers! Unload everything on that Clanker!

As the Clone Rangers and the ARC Troopers fired on Grievous, he began scaling the walls in blinding speed. 


Grievous then leaps into the area and began slicing through the Clones with his Lightsabers. 

Fordo: BACK UP, NOW!

As Fordo called it, the ARC LAAT crashed through the wall and begins firing rockets at Grievous. Grievous begins retreating into wreckage. Seeing an opportunity, Fordo turns to his men. 

Fordo: Everyone out!

Ki-Adi Mundi: No! We must pursue! 

Fordo: We can't! The survivors will die! We have no time!

With that, Ki-Adi Mundi boarded the LAAT along with Fordo and the Clones. As Vres and the Clone Rangers covered Mundi's escape, Mordecai spotted K'Kruhk lying on the ground.

Mordecai: (Master K'Kruhk!)

Mordecai began rushing to K'Kruhk with Vres and the Clone Rangers not noticing. Meanwhile, Vres turned her attention to the LAAT carrying the ARC Troopers and the surviving Jedi leave the factory. 

Vres: Captain Aegis! Is everyone on board?

Aegis: Yes, General! Let's.....

At that point, Vres and Aegis soon spot Mordecai rushing to K'Kruhk. 

Vres: Captain! Have your men cover me!

As Vres rushed to her Padawan, Mordecai tried to lift up the Whiphid Jedi Master, but K'Kruhk proved too heavy. Suddenly, General Grievous ambushed him. 

General Grievous: How noble of you, little Jedi. Now you will die here!

Mordecai was able to block black Grievous's Lightsaber strikes, but was unable to push the attack as Grievous battered through Mordecai's defenses. Vres soon jumped in to attack Grievous. 

Mordecai: Master Vendoas! 


Mordecai: But I.....


Vres engaged Grievous with her double bladed Lightsaber while Mordecai worked on getting K'Kruhk on the LAAT. He used the Force to lift the unconscious Whiphid onto the LAAT. Once K'Kruhk was on board, Mordecai rushed in to help his master.

Vres: Mordecai?! What are you doing?!

Mordecai: I'm not leaving you behind, master!

Vres and Mordecai soon engaged General Grievous in a grueling Lightsaber fight. Vres then Force Pushes Grievous away. 

Vres: We must retreat!

Vres and Mordecai then rushes into the LAAT.

Aegis: Everyone's on board! Get us out of here!

With that, the LAAT gunship exited the factory as General Grievous watched. On the LAAT, Vres approaches her Padawan. 

Vres: What was that, Mordecai?! 

Mordecai: I....I had to save Master K'Kruhk!

Vres: What you did was beyond reckless! You could've gotten yourself killed! 

Mordecai: But master..... 

Vres then knelt to her Padawan and placed a hand on his shoulder. She was conflicted about Mordecai's actions. While she felt his actions to be reckless, she understood where he was coming from. 

Vres: You must be more cautious, my young Padawan. This war will have countless risks. You must always be mindful of your actions for they have consequences. 

As Vres said that, K'Kruhk slowly recovered. He had a large gash on his chest from a Lightsaber strike. 

Vres: Are you all right, Master K'Kruhk?

K'Kruhk: What....what of the others?

Vres: Master Mundi was able to survive. Master Shaak Ti was injured alongside Master Secura. The others didn't make it. 

Upon hearing this, K'Kruhk took a moment to mourn his fallen Jedi comrades as well as breathe a sigh of relief to those who survived. 

K'Kruhk: Thank the Force....

Mordecai: What happened? What was that thing?

K'Kruhk: Our forces were ambushed. We were boxed in by the Separatists in this factory. That was when.....General Grievous arrived. He...he fought like an animal. I've never seen anything like it. He managed to cut down several Jedi without effort. He was....unstoppable.

Vres became deeply concerned as she experienced the combat prowess of General Grievous. He fought with such speed and power that she was barely able to keep up. As for Mordecai, he was shocked that a Droid could take down so many skilled Jedi without effort. 

Mordecai: What are we going to do, master?

Vres: There is nothing more we can do at the moment, my young Padawan Learner. We must get Master K'Kruhk to immediate medical attention. We will have to inform the Council of what has transpired. 

As Vres took a moment to reflect on what transpired, the wounded K'Kruhk smiled upon an uncertain Mordecai. 

K'Kruhk: Thank you, Padawan. I am forever in your debt.

Mordecai smiled to the Whiphid Jedi Master. Vres smiled as well despite the reckless actions of her Padawan. In her mind, what Mordecai did is exactly what Vres would've done at his age. With that, Vres and Mordecai were able to save Master K'Kruhk along with the other Jedi. But with the revelation of General Grievous's existence, the Clone Wars soon grew more dangerous. 

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