Chapter V

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After the Battle of Geonosis, the Clone Wars divides the Galaxy. All across the Galaxy, the Republic and the Separatists wage war. In the midst of this conflict the Jedi have become generals of the Clone army of the Republic. In the months that followed, Vres Vendoas and Mordecai Arkous become commanders of the 75th Clone Ranger Legion. They were soon called to the Separatist world of Muunilinst to aid in the Republic assault on the planet. As they reached the Muunilinst System, a large group of LAAT Gunships exited the hangers of a Venator Class Star Destroyer. Inside one of the gunships was Vres Vendoas and Mordecai Arkous along with Captain Aegis and a group of Clone Rangers.

Clone Pilot: Approaching Muunilinst surface.

The Clone Rangers inside the gunship readied their Blaster Rifles as the sounds of battle was heard outside.

Mordecai: Looks like the battle's already begun.

As Mordecai said that, the blast doors of the gunship closed as red lights lightened the interior of the gunship.

Mordecai: Here we go.

Aegis: Red light. Stand by.

The Clones inside readied their weapons as Vres approached the Clones.

Vres: Once we reach the landing zones, we will rendezvous with Master Vollvif Monn and his troops to aid them in the taking of the Muunilinst capital. Master Kenobi will be leading his armies to capture the leaders of the Banking Clan.

Aegis: You heard the general, boys! Let's get through this battle quick and clean!

Clone Rangers: SIR YES SIR!

Soon enough, the LAAT Gunships landed at the rendezvous point. The light inside the gunship turned green as they departed from the gunship. Vres and Mordecai along with Captain Aegis met with the Shistavanen Jedi Master Vollvif Monn.

Vres: Master Monn. It is good to see you again. What is the situation?

Vollvif: The Banking Clan has fortified the city. But a commando squad of ARC Troopers have been able to destroy the city's artillery cannons.

Vres turned her attention to the city under siege by the Republic. She knew that if the Republic was able to capture Muunilinst, the Republic would be able to cut funding from the Separatists as well as curb the production of Battle Droids.

Vres: I will lead the 75th Legion into the city. We will cover for your assault, Master Monn.

Vollvif: May the Force be with you, Master Vendoas.

With that, Vres gathered Mordecai and the Rangers of the 75th Ranger Legion to formulate a plan for the attack.

Aegis: What's the plan of attack, General?

Vres: We will cover for Master Monn's assault. We will move into the city and capture it as to ensure a swift victory for the Republic.

Aegis: Sounds like a textbook operation.

With that, Vres and Mordecai led Captain Aegis and the Clone Rangers into the city where they engaged a large battalion of Battle Droids.

Aegis: Meteor! Drac! I need Rangers up the right flank!

Meteor: Yes sir!

Drac: Eat laser, you clankers!

Drac unloaded his Z-6 Rotary Blaster Cannon while Meteor fired his Blaster Carbine on the droids. Meanwhile, Vres and Mordecai cut down Super Battle Droids with their Lightsabers.

Mordecai: At this rate, we'll turn Muunilinst into a scrap heap!

Vres: Keep your mind focused, my young apprentice! The battle is not yet won!

Mordecai: Sorry master!

Vres uses her green Double Bladed Lightsaber to deflect some of the blaster shots while Mordecai cuts down several Battle Droids with his blue Lightsaber. He uses the Force to lift a Super Battle Droid and uses it to destroy a group of Battle Droids. As the battle continues, Vollvif and his Clone Battalion enters the city and begins aiding them.


Vollvif and his troopers aided Vres and the Clone Rangers. As air support began aiding the two armies, the Battle Droids begin to shut down. Vres and Vollvif soon recieve a message from Obi-Wan Kenobi via comlink.

Obi-Wan(Comlink): The IG Banking Clan has surrendered! The day is ours! The Republic is victorious!

As Obi-Wan said this, the victorious Republic armies began cheering. After the battle, Vollvif with the aid of Vres created a stronghold in the city. Suddenly, Vres received a call from Obi-Wan via holocommunicator.

Vres: Master Kenobi. What's wrong?

Obi-Wan(Holocommunicator): Master Barrek and his forces need immediate evac from Hypori.

Vres: What's happening?

Obi-Wan(Holocommunicator): Before the transmission was cut, he was talking about some kind of Droid General. I fear something terrible is happening. I need you to go to Hypori to rescue anyone you can find.

Vres: I will do what I can, Master Kenobi.

Obi-Wan(Holocommunicator): I have already sent a group of ARC Troopers to Hypori, but more help will be beneficial.

With that, Vres accepted the mission to go to Hypori and rescue the Jedi from the mysterious Droid General.

Vres: Captain, gather the troops. We leave for Hypori immediately.

Aegis: Copy, general. All right Rangers! Back to the gunships!

Mordecai: What's going on, Master?

Vres: It would appear that a Droid General threatens a group of Jedi on Hypori.

Mordecai: We have to save them!

Vres: Mind your emotions, my young Padawan Learner. We will do what we can. But something tells me that this Droid General is not to be underestimated.

With that, Vres and Mordecai along with Captain Aegis and the Rangers of the 75th Clone Legion departed from Muunilinst to make their journey to Hypori to save whatever Jedi survived the Separatist onslaught by the mysterious Droid General.

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