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to. ARMYs
Hello. It’s Jungkook. 
I always get anxious during fan meetings and fansigns and don’t speak a lot at those kind of events. Every time I look back on them, I regret it a lot. So “If only I could speak well…” has become my wish. But that doesn’t mean that I’m good at writing letters or posts. As you can see…ㅎㅎ
But I hope you can read this letter until the very end with your warm hearts, no matter how boring it is.

A month has passed and we’re reaching our second month already, but it feels like only a week has gone by. 
Time flies when you’re having fun, right? 
I think it’s because it’s fun to stand on stage and meet fans. Haha. 
Hm. I felt a lot of things during this promotion period. It was a time where I thought a lot about music and myself. Through music programs, the radio, photos, and interviews. And also what I should do to make ARMYs happy..
I’m still awkward with expressing myself but I hope ARMYs understand my honesty. 
Uh..and I get really nervous when I sing on stage..
It’s because I want to show everyone a cooler side of me but I’m still lacking in a lot of areas..
I want to practice more and show a better side of me next time.

So our goal right now is to become better at live performances and show ARMYs cool stages. 
I’ll practice night and day so that when our next album comes out, people will think “Ah, Jungkook tried really hard.” 

The <2 Cool 4 Skool> goodbye stage was fun and enjoyable but at the same time, disappointing and sad.

But don’t worry. We Bangtan are working very hard on our next album and are trying to make good music for ARMYs so please wait for us. If we didn’t have a fan meeting I would have ended up crying in the dorm. 
We will continue to be a Bangtan that works hard and will not forget our original intentions.

I love you, ARMYs ♥

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