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Hello, it’s V.
ARMYs, how were Bangtan’s debut promotions?
Time went by so fast; I’m confused..
The last of the seven members, I was first to be introduced. I remember being very nervous before going up on stage during the showcase but calmed down after hearing ARMYs cheering and ended up having a fun time.
After our first showcase we had music programs and fan meeting when we finally met our fans! And fansigns..
I wanted to get closer to ARMYs during this promotion period and we were lucky enough to meet a lot so even now, I’m not upset about ending promotions vV
(Excuse me while I go wipe my tears…ㅠㅠ)

Don’t be too sad that we’re not promoting right now because we’ll make sure to update the fancafe, Twitter, and the blog, so have fun while waiting for us~^^

Hm. Before writing this letter, I thought about how we could repay the constant love and support we get from ARMYs and came up with this answer: “Become a Bangtan that ARMYs won’t be disappointed in!” 
We won’t slack off and will be a constantly-growing Bangtan and V. You’ll watch over us, right? 

VV ARMYs! (VV = I love you)
This was Bangtan’s V! 

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