Chapter Ten

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Erica's POV

"I really, really, really, really, really, really like you
And I want you, do you want me, do you want me too?"

I sang out of lung and out of tone caused Andrea cringe "Princess, could you try to sing properly please?" She frowned and facing front because she focus in driving the car we rented. We have planned to have a short trip for a long weekend since my parents were outstation again.

My parents knew about Andrea that she was my classmate but they never knew that we were together. However, thankfully my parents allowed me to hang out with her and Eddie. Besides them, I don't have any other friends. Still, I don't need more friends because besides Andrea and Eddie, I don't really trust other people after that incident.

I grinned and wrapped my arms around her neck then continued sing out of tune again.

"Oh, did I say too much?
I'm so in my head
When we're outta touch"

She groaned "Baby please, I don't want we get an accident. I still want to live." I giggled and said "I really really really really like you babe." Then I planted a kiss on her cheek and sat back my seat. She grabbed my hand a planted a kiss on the back of my hand and she said "I really really really really like you too, princess." She faced me and blew me a kiss then continued driving and I giggled again. "You're such a cute dork!" She chuckled "Only dork for you."

"Here we are." She sang along and turned off the car. We finally reached the resort we have booked. After we checked in I lay on our bed and enjoy the beach view.

"Are you ready to bikini time for me?" Andrea grinned and wiggled her eyebrows I chuckled and remembered our first date she said she wanted to see me in bikini wear.

I bit my bottom lips seductively then slowly pulled my T-shirt over my head, slowly take off my bra and I saw she gulped. Then I took off my short teasingly, stepped out my short and bend down to face my luggage to take my orange colour bikini. I yelped and straightened my body abruptly after she slapped my butt.

I hitched when I felt her palms cupped on my boobs and her fingers played my nipples caused me moaned. I felt she nibbled my earlobe and said in sultry "Stop teasing me, I'm fucking wet now." I moaned and leaned on her shoulder and whisper "Let's get wet together then." I removed her hands and quickly ran to bathroom shut the door "Yes, we could get wet together at the beach not here." I giggled and heard she groaned.

"You have to stop being grumpy." I giggled and she snorted. I suddenly have an idea and I grinned. I applied the sunblock and put on her tone arm and she looked at me with raise her eyebrows I grinned "I'm helping you apply sun block." She only stay like a statue and I take it as a yes then sat behind her and continue apply sunblock to her back and I massage her shoulder at the same time then she moaned "Feel better?" she only hummed then I continue massage her shoulder.

"Can you squeeze a little harder at here, please" I followed as her request then she moaned again "Ohhh, I feel better now, thanks baby. You are really great in massage. Where did you learn that?" I wrapped my arm around her waist and rest my chin on her shoulder "I last time use to help my grandma massage. Almost every time when I visit her I'll help her massage and she loved it but she was past away since last year."

"I'm sorry, baby." She turned back and pecked my lips and I reassured her "No worries." I leaned in kissed her a little longer then pulled away "So, you are not angry at me anymore?" I grinned and she made a thoughtful face "Still a little." I shower my kisses to her face "Are.You.Still.Angry.Me.Now?" She giggled "Okay okay I'm not mad at you anymore. Come on baby, my turn to put the sunblock to you before we get wet." She wiggled her eyebrows and I slapped her arm playfully.

After we apply our sunblock, both of us ran to the sea like the idiots. We splashing water to each other and I hopped at her back treat her like a horse and she ran and playfully dropped me off caused me accidentally drank a few salty water. I sat my butt on floor and glared at her she gulped "I'm so so so sorry, baby. I accidentally dropped you off." She bit her lips tried to hold her laughter then I quickly grabbed her ankle and pulled her down.

She sat her butt on floor and she burst out laughing "You're an idiot." I splashed water to her face "Now I let you taste it." She spitted out the water "Is it yours would taste like that tonight?" I yelled "You're gross!"

After a few hours we decided back to our hotel to rest. When I followed at Andrea's behind, I can fully see her back side. She now only wear a pair of black bikini show off her slim waist and toned butt. When she passed by I could see the boys and girls were checking out her body. Then suddenly she turned back and wrapped towel to cover my body and I looked at her in confuse "Your tits only for me to see and I hate sharing." She gritted and I grinned then snatched her other towel to cover her body "I hate sharing too." Both of us burst out laughing.

We now were sitting at porch of our resort and enjoy the sunset. I sipping my mocktail while Andrea was drinking a beer. "This would be my dream place." I said "I like this place too." She said i smiled and rest my head in on her shoulder "Seems we like this kind of place we could plan to get a house nearby seaside." She said "Sounds like a plan." I chimed

A/N: Warning ⚠️ Minor Smut

I turned my face to her neck and started nibble her neck caused she moaned softly. I slipped my hand underneath her baggy T-shirt and I realise she didn't wear a bra. I slowly traced from her abs to her boobs and played her nipples. I could feel her skin have goosebumps I smiled at my effect to her.

She scoped me up and threw me on our king size bed then quickly shut the curtain. She climbed on the bed, and then in one swift she took off my baggy shirt and exposed my bare chest. Then then pulled my shorts and panties along and cause me completely naked in front of her. Even though I have been half naked in front of her plenty of times I still blushed. This is the first time I expose my bottom part for her.

Soon enough, herself completely naked in front of me and she pulled my legs widely then her face hovered my pussy she smiled "Are you ready?" I nodded eagerly then I felt her warmed tongue touched my pussy caused me shivered. I could feel she licked my sensitive bud cause me jerk and I tightened my gripped on the bed sheet. I moaned uncontrollably whenever her fingers rubbed my bud and her tongue licked my pussy.

I yelped when I felt her fingers shoved inside my pussy I felt a little pain. After awhile I felt like yearning she shoved her finger more. "Ohhhh, babe I want more." She continued shoved her finger and continued licking my pussy.

I felt my pussy wanna spilled out my juice and the feeling like want to pee "Babe I almost come... harder and faster... ahhhhh...." I moaned in ecstasy and finally I felt my pussy spilled out my juice. I heard Andrea busy slurping my juice cause me blushed.

Then she lifted her hand which is full of my juice then licked her finger to clean up the juice and I blushed. Then she leaned in and kissed me to let me taste myself and I found that the taste not that bad. "That's so amazing." I breathed out and she lay next to me "You're so hot when you moaned." I blushed and she chuckled "And trust me. Your moaning is much better than your singing." I slapped her arm playfully and she laughed exaggeratedly.

She pulled my sweaty hair aside and caressed my face, and then I could see her green eyes look into mine longingly "I love you." She said and I grinned "I love you too." We kissed a little longer then snuggled together and fall asleep.

A/N: Andrea was too eager huh? 😆

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