"Have a great time Hermosa, don't forget to greet the family for me, okay? Do you have the arroz con Leche I prepared?" she asked.

"Yes, it's over there, on top of my luggage, see?" I pointed in the direction of the dessert as well as my belongings for the weekend.

"Now, I must go. Kiss papa for me okay? I'll be back before you know it." With one last kiss to my mother's cheek, I let her go, feeling the warmth of her comforting fingertips leave my body.

"I love you hija!"

I smiled at her, my hand clasped on the door handle of the car I would be riding in. "I love you too mom."


Breathe. I repeated, chanting the seven letter word over and over in my bustling head. In and out.

I felt myself grow unexplainably nervous, standing in the driveway of the well-known Strocelli mansion. It hadn't been too long since I had visited my best friend, but unfortunately, over the past few months my anxiety had completely evolved. Leaving me a shaky, uneasy mess in the simplest of situations. But I had easily learned how to control it. The skin of my bottom lip burned as I tugged on it with my teeth, stinging as it completely detached. A bad habit, yes. But it was distracting enough.

Although the pills I was prescribed help ease the tension in my thoughts. He told me there was no way to completely relieve myself, but I could make myself believe the aching wasn't there. Even if it was only for a few hours. The real question was; is life too complicated? Or am I approaching it in a way that is too difficult for me to grasp?

I would never completely figure out the answer.

I could only wish we were able to create a society that wasn't inherently soul-crushing. To which He'd reply, 'the best I can offer you are pills that will trick your brain into thinking you don't hate it here. That is until you find a reason not to, of course.'

I tugged on the hairband that collected the dark strands at the base of my neck, relieving the locks of their restraint. I instinctively ran my hands through it, attempting to tame the wild mess.

With one last deep breath, I raised my hand to the hardwood door and knocked my knuckles against it a few times, my red fingernails grasped the necklace perched on my collarbone and twisted it out of habit.

I expected to be met with Cassie, the lifelong maid and the sweetest old woman you would come to know, but instead I came face to face with the breathtaking Azelia Strocelli and instantly, all my worry began to wash away at the sight of her welcoming smile.

"Addy, darling? Oh my goodness, come here." I was swept across the floor and into the warm, welcoming embrace of the second mother figure I had, sighing happily at the familiar scent of her expensive perfume.

I tightened my hands around her waist, melting into her hold for a few more seconds before she let go.

"Oh, honey. You look beautiful. I've missed you so much." She beamed, her gaze fluttering over my facial features.

It had only been three months since I had last stepped into their loving household. Studying had consumed me more than I'd like to admit. I spent countless hours locked behind my bedroom door, flipping through page after page of my hefty textbooks, taking in information as if it were the air I needed to inhale to stay alive.

Unfortunately, money did not come easy to my family. But that was a mere setback in life. I was happy with what I did have.

"I've missed you as well, Mrs. Strocelli. " I finally replied.

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