prince!Yamaguchi // sweet

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In this imagine ,yamagucchi will be a PRINCE uwu

Prince! Yamaguchi x baker ! Reader


The ball was filled with people accross the kingdom , they even invited the villagers. And its all celebrating the youngest prince birthday

Yamaguchi smiled as he eyed the room filled with laughs as a lot of people dance,sadly no one has caught his attention ,yet. Hw stopped staring when he felt a hand on his shoulder causing him to turn around

"Hello father" he smiled

"How was tonight my son? Anyone caught your eyes yet?" He asked a little humour on his tone

" tonight was great, everyone was so kind .thank you father"

" i see you havent got interested in anyone?"

" im afraid so"

"I see the tsukishimas over there, but I havent saw their son yet"

" yes, tsukki's a little busy at the moment ,but he said he will come later.." he smiled as he eyed the ballroom again" father, is it ok if go out a little?" He ask "im just getting some fresh air ,it wont be long!"

"Dont be too long,its your party" he smiled and nodded as he slowly made his way outside

As the moon shine bright he slowly walk down the stairs , outside was fresh,the air ,the soft wind, it was delightful.

As he went further ,he stopped at his track as he heard some noises,it couldnt be an animal it sounded like someone was singing , but in a joking way

He slowly followed the voice as he eyed a (h/c) girl in the woods she was jokingly singing to something,he never heard it before

"SOmEbody ComE get HeRr shes-AaAahk-" screamed the girl as she fell on her bottom as she saw someone staring at her behind the trees

" i-im warning you! I have a weapon!, " she stutters as she backed up holding a stick

" ah, f-forgive my rude presence, i-i dindt mean to surprise you!" He said
as he bowed making you sigh in relief as you put down the stick
"Ohmygod you suprised me " you said as you hold your chest "have you been there for a while?" You ask

"Well not too long but yeah.." he awkwardly said

It was dead silent

Until you let out a laugh

Yamaguchi seems suprised at first as he look up to you, in his eyes you're beautiful ,youre smile was blinding and it was able to made his heart flutters

"Aaah, this is embarassing ,you heard me dindt ya?" You said as you continue laughing out of embarrassment

This causes the boy to let out a few chuckles "are you here for the ball?" You ask finally stopped laughing

He seemed suprised at first 'looks like she doesnt know me?' He thought "did I say something wrong?" You ask as you tilt your head and took a sit at a big rock "youre wearing something really nice and you look really nice aswell,so I thought that your going to the ball? Am I wrong?"

"Ah , no no " he started waving his hands "a-and yes , i am here for the ..ball." He finishes

" I heard its the prince birthday ,its such a shame that i cant come " you smiled " i actually never saw him,but im sure hes a looker haha" you laughed that you dindt realize the blush from the boys face

"Oh im sorry to ask but, why cant you?" He ask

" well umm,this may sound alittle bit rude ,
But I just dont like being crowded with alot of people yknow, i cant breath" you joked as you giggled " im not really that unsociable person though, its just i cant stand being with alot of people" you waved your hands .

"I see" he look down "hey, you wanna take a seat?" You asked as you patted a place beside you, he look up and nodded nervously as he went to sit beside you

"Are you new here? I dont think ive saw you before" she ask as she eyed the boy making him looked away with a blush on his face

"U-umm m-maybe ,i-i i was just, I just moved here." He stutters as he gripped his pants
"I see" she said "im (f/n) (l/n) you can call me (y/n)! " she introduces herself as she holds out a hand waiting for him to shake it "whats yours?"

"Oh u-umm, " he thinks for awhile to find a perfect nickname for himself " y-you can call me yama...?"he introduces ( he cant find a nickname) as he took your hand giving it a gentle shake,it was so greakin gentle .yet you shake it harder

"Nice to meet you! Yama-san!" You smiled " i was only taking a walk here, well not really, some squirrelstook my milkbread! So i chased it all here.yet they got away.." she said as she pouts at the last sentence

This seem to caught his interest "are you a baker (y/n)-san? " he softly ask eyes with curiosity "yup! I sure am! " she proudly said as she points to herself"you should visit our bakery sometimes!" She beamed as her face got closer to the boy ,she seem to notice his red face and backs up

"Im sorry yama - san! " she apologize " its an old habit of mine hehe" she laughed as her hand made it all the way to the back of her neck.the boy just simply nodded

" where are you from yama-san? You speak so politely " she ask ,heres the part where the boy started to get nervous.should he tell her his the prince? But something inside him doesnt want to "i-I umm-..." "oi" both of them look to where the voice comes from
"Tsukki.." the boy muttured " theyre been looking for you,its not nice to runaway from your own pa-" " T-TSUKKI!!!" The blonde boy seem to got cut by his sudden outburst which he simply raised an eyebrow ,je then eyed the girl beside his friend not too long he understand the situation " whatever,just go back were waiting for you." He said as he turned around

"Ah? Is he your friend?" Curious y/n ask " y-yes.." he nodded awkwardly
"A-ah I-" yamaguchi then eyed the girl behind him " aww you're going already? Maybe we can see eachother tomorrow?" She hopefully ask
The boy smile and nods
"Then, make sure to be here at 4 yama - san! " she waved and he waved back nodding " i will,see you, (y/n)-san..." he said as he slowly turning around walking beside the blone megane

" tomorrow?" the blonde ask "dont you have a meeting at 6 ? " he finishes .thats when th freckle boy stops "aaaah I forgot!" He panicked as he ruffled his hair , then an idea popped on his head as be turned to the blomde


To be continued, and yes there will be a part 2 !
Rlly tho ,i would love to see yams in a prince outfit or whatever it called

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