Chapter Five: Big Bad Hounds Turnt Big Bad Sweethearts

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Dean Ambrose

"No... No. Stop. Please..." I heard.

I open my eyes from my sleep and check the time. 3:30 am. I try to fall back asleep when I heard a piercing scream from Alexis' room.

I jump and run to her room and Colby and Joe doing the same. We run in and Alexis is screaming, crying, and thrashing in her sleep. We run over and pin her down.

"Alexis! Alexis, open your eyes!" I yell.

Her eyes snap open as she panted heavily and tears flooded her eyes and streamed down her face. She hugged me and latched onto me for dear life.

I hug her back. She was shaking like a damn chihuahua. She was crying.

"What happened, lex?" Roman asks.

"He got me. (Sniffle) Kane got me again. (Sob) He shot Randy. (Whimper) He shot you guys. (Whimper) He tortured me and beat me. (sniffle) He said he told me I'd never be able to escape him." She sobs.

Oh god. I sat down and cradled her in my lap and held her.

"Shhh. It's ok, Princess." I say as she grips my shirt and cries into my chest.

I lightly stroke her hair.

"He's not gonna touch you, Alexis." Colby says.

"You said that last time." She sobs.

Ouch. That hurt. Like a knife was being thrusted into my heart.

"Hey. Look at me." I say.

She didn't.

"Sweetheart, look at me." I say.

She started to calm down to just sniffling and trying to control herself.

"Please, Princess?" I try.

She swallows and looks at me. I cup her face and adjust her to where she's sitting in my lap, facing me.

"Kane... Is not ever going to lay a finger on you. He is never going to see you smile, laugh, or anything. Because we're going to beat the hell out of him so bad it will hurt to breathe. You're our pup. He touched you. He tried to touch you again. That's an injustice to you." I say.

"And we're gonna serve you Justice." Joe says.

"You can believe that, sweetheart." Colby says.

She sniffles and nods. I can see she's still hesitant and doubting. I kiss her cheek and she looked surprised but I saw a blush rise to her cheeks.

I smirk and she covers her face with the sleeves of her oversized long sleeve. We laughed as she crawled back into bed. I can tell she's scared.

"Want us to sleep here?" Joe offers.

"You don't have to. Just until, or if, I fall asleep." She says.

"What helps you sleep?" I ask.

She looks away, shyly.

"Usually Andy, Ashley, Max, or Ronnie would sing me to sleep. But none of them are here and I don't wanna bug them." She says.

I really don't like that Max guy. He had her first. Married her. Loved her. Held her. Protected her. Slept with her. She's mine. Always will be. She's my new obsession.

When I'm obsessed with something, I don't take too kindly to someone threatening, touching, or even being in the presence of it.

I find myself growing a feeling toward Alexis. I just wanna protect her. I wanna make everything bad go away. I wanna block all the pain and hurt. I wanna make her mine. She will be mine. She is mine.

"Where's your phone?" I ask.

She points to the counter and I grab it. Dammit. Passcode.

"Passcode?" I ask.

She blushes and hides under the covers.

"11-18-12." She says.

I punch it in.

"What does that symbolize?" Colby asks.

"November 18, 2012." She says.

"What's that?" Joe asks.

She got deeper under the covers.

"The day you guys debuted at Survivor Series." She says.

The guys and I smirk. I go to her contacts. Andy I guess is ok. I found a name under: '🎤🎧Batboy🐼🚬'.

I checked it. Yup. Andy. I click it and it calls.

"What are you doing?" Alexis asks.

"Calling Andy." I say.

She pops out and tries to grab the phone but I put my hand on her chest and hold her back. She bites my hand and I yank it as Andy answers.

"Hello?" Andy asks.

"Hey, this is Jon. I'm Alexis' friend. Look, I know it's late but she had a nightmare and can't sleep. She says she can only sleep if you, Ashley, Ronnie, or Max sing to her." I say.

"Oh shit. Yeah, where is she? Does she have Seth? Her stuffed bear that I got her before she left?" He asks.

"Seth?" I ask.

Alexis' eyes got huge and popped out of the bed. She was only in a long sleeve. She gets a fluffy white bear and hugs it like a 5 year old. I smile at how cute she is. She crawls back into bed.

"Here." I say.

I put him on speaker.

"Andy?" Alexis asks, taking her phone back.

"Hey, Lexi. Which song?" Andy asks.

"Carolyn." She says.

"Ok. One sec." He says.

We heard shuffling and some chatter.

"Someone needs to stroke her hair. That helps." Andy says.

"Shut up, Andy." Alexis says, blushing.

Andy laughs as we smirk. I go and lay behind her and she lays down. I start stroking her hair. I saw Colby and Joe recording. Bastards. I heard a guitar playing. Wow. That's actually pretty good.

"Those times in life we learn to try, with one intention (I stroked her hair slowly and softly)
Of learning how and when we'll die, but we cant listen
I wish to god I'd known that I, I didn't stand a chance
Of looking back and knowing why, or pain of circumstance (Alexis smiles and cuddles into me)

You're not alone
We'll brave this storm (Alexis yawns and I smile)


So here's my song I wrote in time, when it was needed
Through pain of heart or loss of mind, your burdens lifted
You aren't alone just know that I, cant save our hearts tonight (Alexis started mounting the words perfectly)


You're not alone
We'll brave this storm
And face today
You're not alone (Alexis started blinking. She's tired)


You're not alone
We'll brave this storm
And face today
You're not alone." Andy finishes.

I look to see Alexis fast asleep with a small smile on her lips.

"She's asleep. Thanx, Andy." I say.

"No problem. Tell her to call me tomoro." He says.

"Will do. Get some sleep." I say.

"You too." He says and we hang up.

"Go get some sleep, you two." I say.

They chuckle.

"Let the girl sleep, Good. No funny business." Colby says.

"No promises." I joke.

They shake their heads and I laugh. They leave and I hold Alexis close to me and soon fall asleep.

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