II• The creature

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From his size, I could determine he was probably a five-year-old. Awwnn.. His chubby cheeks made me want to hug him. I wonder what he was doing there with his bike.

My heart almost skipped when I saw a car afar off, heading towards the innocent looking boy.

I couldn't just stand there and watch him get hit. The driver didn't slow down one bit.

"Little boy! get away from there!" I screamed on top of my lungs.

That didn't work, he was still busy with his bike. I ran as fast as I could towards him and grabbed him on his waist and pinned him to my body. I felt him shiver by the sudden action.
I dropped him slowly to a safe place away from the road.

"My bike!" He queried with his angelic little voice.

I turned around to his bike still left on the road and the car was very much close to it. Omg! I'm gonna die for a bike. Maybe the driver would swerve around it. What am I gonna do! I cried in my head.

I looked at the boy again. He was worried and confused at the same time. His lower lip overlapped his upper lip. I had no choice.

"Stay here, okay?" I notified him with a childish voice.

I hurried to the bike. I held it firmly. Oh no! I won't make it. I won't make it to the other side. I heard the screeching screams of the brakes. The vehicle came into a sudden stop.

I heaved a sound of relief as I got to the other side of the road safely.

"Are you crazy! Do you wanna kill yourself!!" The driver shouted on top of his voice.

"Well, if you didn't watch where you're going, you should have stopped when you saw the bike!" I screamed back at him.

He gave me a death stare. Nothing came out of his mouth. I think he didn't have what to say. He just moped at me and zoomed off.

"What a jerk!" I murmured quietly.

"Here's your bike little guy!" I softly said to the boy as I walked towards him.

"Thanks!" He said heartily.

"Alright kiddo, stay away from the streets, okay?" I looked into his adorable little blue eyes.

He nodded and sat back on his bike. He then smiled at me and rode away.

Emma's Home

I finally reached Emma's house and knocked on the door. I waited a few minutes and someone finally opened.

"Trish!, Come on in." Emma's black curly hair was radiant on her shoulders.

"You look all dressed up, going somewhere?" I asked as I entered into the living room and sat on one of the couchs.

She closed the door and walked towards where I sat.

"Uhmm.. Yeah! I was about going to the supermarket, just ran out of sugar. I didn't even notice on time and Maddie just keeps using the whole thing up." She mumbled with a worried tone.

She sat beside me as I looked into her worried blue ocean eyes.

Maddie was Emma's younger sister, the girl was like a sugar addict. Emma's mum was afraid Maddie could get diabetes. No matter where they hid it, Maddie always had some kind of tracker to find it.

"Should I wait for you or you want me to tag along?" I gave her nice warm hug with my head on her shoulder to lighten her up.

"We could just forget about the popcorn, you were planning on making some right?" I asked in a low tone.

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